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Symposium Logistics 3rd International A-Train Symposium 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Symposium Logistics 3rd International A-Train Symposium 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Symposium Logistics 3rd International A-Train Symposium 2017
Pasadena Convention Center Pasadena, CA, USA Symposium Logistics Liz Juvera April 19th, 2017

2 Meeting Logistics: Staff Badges (red for staff – come to us with any questions or requests) Restrooms are located behind the registration desk, on the way to the garage Coffee and tea in room next to plenary session (Room 101) Lunch Session specifics (first and third days, on own, second day – cash and carry upstairs) Plenary meeting room will be monitored during lunch – attendees can leave belongings Local maps and guides are available upstairs at the reception desk, on the way out the Paseo Colorado If you pack it in, pack it out – the Center will charge for outside trash that is left in the room

3 Oral Presentation Logistics:
If you are giving a presentation before lunch, I want your slides before the morning session begins If it is after lunch, I want your presentation at the beginning of the lunch break (or before if you have it ready) Bring the file to me on a flash drive and I will upload it to the presentation computer – do not load it on the computer yourself If you do not tell me otherwise, the slides will be placed onto the A-train website – let me know if I am unable to post the slides, or if I should wait for you to give me a new version of the presentation Mac vs. PC – best to give me a PDF to make sure that it will work on either platform. If this is not an option, let me know and we will test it in advance of your talk Naming Convention: Day_Time_FirstInitialLastName_ShortTitle Example: 01_0915_EJuvera_LogisticsPresentation

4 Poster Presentation Logistics:
You are welcome to set up your poster as soon as Wednesday morning, and they can be kept up for the entire meeting Push pins are available for mounting your poster If you brought an unscheduled poster, please see me for accommodation All posters need to come down by 5pm on Friday – Any posters left behind will be disposed of Review the guide to see where your numbered poster is to be located and in which room (106 or 107) Provide me with your poster file on thumb drive

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