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Hertfordshire Young Commissioners (SEND)

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1 Hertfordshire Young Commissioners (SEND)
The SEND Young Commissioners involves young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND) in the developing and monitoring of commissioned services. The programme gives these young people a direct say in running the services and the opportunity to feedback. The programme is delivered by Youth Connexions, where the Young Commissioners will undergo training sessions on: what is commissioning, the commissioning cycle and skills needed for commissioning. The Young Commissioners have participated in site visits, attend tender panels and interviews and are very much involved in the co-production of services. The work of a Young Commissioner depends upon the relevant commissioning projects for that year – however in 2016/2017 they were able to get involved in giving their thoughts on the outcomes bee framework, how transition from school to college worked and visited our commissioned overnight short-break services to input into an improved service specification going forward. The young commissioners either attend North Herts College and Oakland College and the programme is designed to fit around the study requirements. As well as having an input into the way services run, the group have built up their skills around advocacy, communication, increased confidence and the development of their personal and social skills. Julie Reddish, Commissioning Manager 0-25 SEND Commissioning Team

2 Young Commissioners - Programme of Works
Programme of Work Brief Overview 1. Young Person Shadow Board To provide the opportunity to discuss, assess and contribute to the development and improvements in Children’s Services. 2. Re-commissioning of Overnight Short Breaks (OSB) Services across Hertfordshire To support the co-production of an integrated service model (Health & Social Care) for OSB. Service Specification & Tender Questions. Support project group 3. Local Offer To input into the review of the Local Offer website. 4. Wynchlands (SEND Residential Home for CYP with Autism Designing Service specification 5. Hertfordshire Equipment Service (HES) Develop prescriber guidance 6. Homecare Review of Service, designing new Service Specification and tender questions. 7. SALT Stakeholder Event The work of a Young Commissioner depends upon the relevant commissioning projects for that year – however in 2016/2017 they were able to get involved in giving their thoughts on the outcomes bee framework, how transition from school to college worked and visited our commissioned overnight short-break services to input into an improved service specification going forward. The young commissioners either attend North Herts College and Oakland College and the programme is designed to fit around the study requirements. As well as having an input into the way services run, the group have built up their skills around advocacy, communication, increased confidence and the development of their personal and social skills.

3 Young Commissioners Why a Young Commissioner What We Have Done
What We Have Got Out Of It

4 Young Commissioner’s Film

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