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American Revolution Viewpoints

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1 American Revolution Viewpoints
8.2.4 Compare the different groups of South Carolinians during the American Revolution

2 First…a civil war in SC…
Understand that not all South Carolinians agreed that the United States should be independent from Great Britain. The ideas of different South Carolinians during the American Revolution led to a civil war within South Carolina and had an impact on the success of the Patriot’s fight in the Revolutionary War.

3 Political Leaders Political leaders were wealthy white men who were the land owners from the Low Country. Most were patriots who supported the idea of independence.

4 Political leaders in South Carolina created a provisional (temporary) government to control the colony during the war.

5 Soldiers American colonist volunteered as soldiers to fight in colonial militias and with Patriot partisan groups.

6 Patriots Patriots were those colonists who supported the Continental Congress and independence. Most were from the Low Country and fought in small militias (small army groups) in their own local areas.


8 Loyalists South Carolina Loyalists, who remained loyal to the King and Great Britain, volunteered to fight on the side of the British. There were more Loyalists in South Carolina than in any of the other colonies, except New York.

9 Most soldiers in the Up Country were Loyalists.
Many of the Upcountry people were not true loyalists in principal, but instead wanted to live their lives without interference.

10 Conflict in South Carolina
Lowcountry Patriots and Upcountry Loyalists fought each other in the Revolutionary War. When the war ended…loyalists left South Carolina for the Caribbean or Canada. Others were fined or “run out of town.”

11 Partisans Partisans are patriots who fought in a guerrilla war against the British regular army. They overtook British soldiers in the countryside of SC by surprise in “hit-and-run” ambushes.

12 Women of the War Women took care of the farms and plantations when the men were away at war. Many served as messengers or nurses. Women either supported the Patriot or the Loyalist cause.

13 Many women in South Carolina were Patriots and supported war efforts

14 African Americans and the War
Most Africans continued to work as slaves in South Carolina. Some served as soldiers in the Continental Army.

15 Many in SC feared a slave uprising so at first the Continental Congress did not allow slaves to work in non-combat jobs like cooking for the army. Over time however, manpower was needed and Congress allowed slaves to work in the militia but not as soldiers.

16 African Americans fought in the Partisan bands, but were not allowed freedom for exchange for their army service in SC. African Americans fought also for the British and were promised freedom. Note: Recall who won?!?!?!?

17 Native Americans and the War
At first, many Native American tribes avoided war. American colonists attacked Native Americans on the frontier so Native Americans retaliated (fought back).

18 Many Native Americans supported the British because the British promised to return land back to the Indians. The Cherokee strongly supported the British and attacked the colonists.

19 In summary… South Carolinians during the American Revolution included:
Political Leaders Patriots Loyalists Women Enslaved and free Africans Native Americans

20 The End

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