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Is Utilitarianism flawed?

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Presentation on theme: "Is Utilitarianism flawed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Utilitarianism flawed?
Learning objective: To understand some objections to utilitarianism To begin to evaluate how persuasive the theory is Key Words Integrity Bernard Williams

2 “So long as they promised the best consequences…it would forbid nothing, not rape, not torture, not even murder.” Philip Petitt Recip read quote. Clarify Any words or phrases that you don’t understand. Summarise What you think the quote means. Question What questions do you have about this quote? Do you agree?

3 Is bentham’s theory Flawed?
Some pleasurable sensations are those of the sadist. The hedonic calculus seems to leave room for immoral acts if they maximise the pleasure of the majority.

4 What other criticisms of Bentham’s utilitarianism can you think of?

5 Utilitarianism Where do you stand and why? FOR AGAINST

6 Bernard Williams (1929 -2003) argued against utilitarianism.

7 Read Bernard Williams’ story of Jim and the Indians on page 41 of your handout. Discuss questions a, b and c with a partner.

8 Read the extract on the DLS from Bernard Williams’ Introduction to Ethics about George the chemist.
What would the utilitarian say that George should do? What problem with utilitarianism do these two stories pose?

9 Bernard Williams claims that utilitarianism has difficulty in accounting for the value of integrity. Integrity involves being true to one’s self and one’s deepest commitments. George, according to the utilitarian, should take the job, and Jim should kill an Indian, but it goes against their integrity. So Williams argues that perhaps George should not take the job as he should be seen as responsible for his own actions.

10 Write a paragraph explaining what Bernard Williams’ objection to utilitarianism is, and how far you think it is a persuasive objection.

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