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Effective MFL lessons.

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1 Effective MFL lessons

2 Erasmus+ Project Last year you did some work with the other Erasmus+ schools about what you liked best in MFL lessons Students in each school voted for the things they liked best:

3 Erasmus+ Project Ounsdale
Variety of different activities/skills practised in each lesson Activities such as quizzes and games used regularly to practise vocabulary Topics which are relevant to students Sweden Use of ICT and other new technology in lessons Variety of different activities/skills practised in each lesson / Working in groups, for example to do role plays Germany Communication with native speakers e.g. SKYPE or Finland Pershore Activities such as quizzes and games used regularly Ability to make spoken contact with native speakers of the language such as Skype Variety of different activities in each lesson

4 Erasmus+ Project We now want to get you thinking about this again.
Below are 5 different ways in which teachers could introduce the topic of “animals” to you Have a look at them and decide which version you would prefer and why

5 Idea 1 Here is a way to revise and improve animal vocabulary.
The teacher takes photos of animals and makes jigsaw puzzles out of them. The students get these pieces in envelopes and find out what kind of animal it is. When they are finished they change the puzzles. After ten minutes all animal words are summarized and repeated. Afterwards the students play the following game. Each student gets a strip of paper. The teacher explains the columns. Column 1 gives information about the order of doing activities, the sentence in column 2 has to be read out loud and column 3 tells what activity is to be done. The student with number one begins.

6 Idea 1 Below is an example of the cards. You can find more in Armbrust, Laura et al: "Appetizer - Englisch; Ideen und Materialien für themenorientierte Stundeneinstiege". Verlag an der Ruhr (2013).

7 Idea 2 Learn ten animal names in Swedish.
First, have a look at the animal words below and try to guess their meaning. Compare to the animal words in other languages you know. (Pay a specific attention to consonants.) en katt en häst en hund en fluga ett lejon en råtta en björn en ko en kanin en kyckling

8 Idea 2 Check your answers using the next slide then practice how to pronounce the words (also using the next slide). Repeat the animal names after your teacher. Work in pairs. One student chooses one of the animals and acts like it. The other tries to guess the animal and say its name in Swedish. Try to remember as many words as you can without looking at them. To practice more, slowly draw a picture of the animal and your partner tries to guess which animal it is before you finish your picture

9 Idea 2 en katt en hund ett lejon en björn
/en kat/ /en hʉnd/ /et lejon/ /en bjœrn/ en kanin en häst en fluga en råtta /en ka’ni:n/ /en hest/ /en flʉga/ /en rotta/ en kyckling en ko /en ʧykliŋ/ /en ku:/

10 Idea 3 You are going to learn the words for 10 different animals in a foreign language. The language teacher first shows you a list of these words in two languages, for example Swedish and French. The teacher may create a Study Set on, where you can see the complete wordlist but also see flash cards with the same words. You will now repeat the words after the teacher to get the pronunciation right.

11 Idea 3 Your teacher has also prepared a some pictures with close-ups of these animals’ eyes or skin. Now you have to guess what kind of animal you are seeing and say it in class, with your best possible pronunciation. Can you see what kind of animal is pictured in the next slide?

12 Idea

13 Idea 3 To take your learning a step further, the teacher will ask you to write a sentence about each animal. You should try to describe the animal, thinking of its size, its colours or its markings. All words in the sentences should be in the target language (the language that you are learning). You may ask your teacher for help if you don’t know a particular word you need in the target language or if you don’t know how to spell it!

14 Idea 4 Listen to the following song introducing animals:
- As you are listening please complete your animal grid in as much detail as you can

15 Idea 4 French word Native language word

16 Idea 4 How did you get on? Answers are below. Listen again and aim to add at least 3 extra details (colour/size) French word Native language word  un lapin  une souris  un hamster  un cheval  une tortue  une araignée  une grenouille  un serpent  un escargot  un éléphant  un mouton  un cochon  un oiseau  un poisson  un chat  un chien

17 Idea 4 Did you get the extra details? - des araignées noires
de grosses grenouilles un escargot géant les gros moutons blancs un gros chat un petit chien À vous! Work in pairs/groups and write an extra verse for the song. Tip: Can you use some of the other animals from your list and choose a different adjective for them using your knowledge of French.

18 Idea 5 Start by teaching the new words with flashcards

19 Idea 5 Activites with these include: Listen and repeat the animal word
Teacher holds up card and students say the word from memory Teacher hands out cards to the students who get the right answer; teacher then says “who has the XX” in the foreign language. Students have to answer Guessing game – teacher thinks of one of the animas and students have to guess what he/she is thinking Same game but students do it in pairs/small groups Add in other vocab items eg colours, names, likes & dislikes so that students can put into sentences

20 Erasmus+ Project Here are some phrases to help you form your answers
I think the best idea is number XX because I like … Singing The variety of activities Acting Doing quizzes and puzzles Listening to songs Working things out for myself However, I also like idea XX because I like …

21 Erasmus+ Project Homework task Deadline = XXX (no later than 17 Feb)
Go to You will find a copy of this PPT at the top Click on the word “Comments” This box will appear

22 Erasmus+ Project In the NAME box write your name as follows
Town name/first name/ initial of surname/class Eg Gabi König from Schleusingen in class 8B would write Schleusingen/Gabi K/8B

23 Erasmus+ Project Ignore the email and website boxes
Write your sentence in the comments box Click on Submit We will check that you have done this work!

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