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Assessing Leaders 1.

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1 Assessing Leaders 1

2 “You’ll get hired for your intelligence, but you’ll get fired for your personality”. Gordie Curphy

3 Overview Competencies/Skills Development Personality/Preferences
Four Preference Dimensions

4 Take all 5 areas and they add up to your skills or competencies
Competencies/Skills Easier to Change Knowledge Experience Personality/Preferences Intelligence Values More Difficult to Change Taken from Leadership Book Mcgraw-Hill

5 Personality/Preferences

6 Preference Dimensions
Extraversion-Introversion Sensing-Intuition Thinking-Feeling Judging-Perceiving 3

7 loud - quiet active - reflective gregarious - private outgoing - reserved sociable - detached external - internal do - think speak - write talk - read E - I

8 Extraversion-Introversion
Fundamentally concerned with where people get their energy

9 Extraversion-Introversion
Naturally outgoing, energized by being around others Tendency to think out loud can lead to trouble Introversion More comfortable alone, fundamentally more reserved Prefer to think things through 6

10 sensible - imaginative
realistic - intuitive blueprint - dream details - pattern sensible - imaginative practical - creative present - future factual - symbolic specific - general formula - hunch S - N

11 Sensing-Intuition Concerned with how people look at data

12 Sensing-Intuition Sensing Intuition Like facts and details
Tend to be practical, orderly, and down-to-earth Intuition Look for the big picture Tend to be innovative and conceptual 5

13 objective - subjective
convincing - touching objective - subjective head - heart just - humane principle - passion fair - tender clarity - harmony reason - emotion professional - warn T - F

14 Thinking-Feeling Concerned with the considerations leaders prefer when making decisions

15 Thinking-Feeling Thinking Feeling Like to analyze, criticize
Pay more attention to operational, bottom-line considerations Feeling Empathize and appreciate Value humaneness and social harmony and use their hearts 4

16 organized - spontaneous deliberate - improvising exacting - impulsive
systematic - flexible methodical - curious organized - spontaneous deliberate - improvising exacting - impulsive definite - tolerant decisive - open-minded plan - adapt control - freedom J - P

17 Judging-Perceiving Concerned with the amount of information a leader needs before feeling comfortable making a decision

18 Judging-Perceiving Judging Perceiving
Strive for closure, like things to be settled Decisive, methodical and organized Perceiving Prefer to collect as much information as possible, like to keep options open They are curious, spontaneous, and flexible 8

19 Implications of Knowing Your Preferences
Knowing about your type increases awareness of both your own and others’ behavior Knowledge of one’s type can help broaden your behavior in a variety of situations People of different types are motivated in different ways Working with people of different types can be difficult

20 Summary Competencies/Skills Development Personality/Preferences
Four Preference Dimensions

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