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Special Education Strategic Shifts

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1 Special Education Strategic Shifts


3 CSE Chairperson K-12 Consistency Family Communication
Out of Districts Placements Records Reporting

4 “Feel accomplished as I can do a better job”
“Very helpful” “Best year yet” “Feel accomplished as I can do a better job” “Feels very different”

5 Shift of Responsibilities from Psychologists
Increase delivery of supports and services Collaboration of social, emotional, and behavioral staff Ability to be ‘only’ a psychologist at the CSE meeting Implement new initiatives Adult and Career Continuing Education Services (ACCES-VR) Review student data to create actionable plans

6 Shift of Responsibilities of Department Leaders
K-5 and 6-12 Supervisors Kathy Zappia Deb McEwen Building collaboration between grade levels Digging into student data and making shifts

7 Continuum of Services Shifts
16-17 School Year Middle School teachers are departmentalized and looping with their students 6, 7, 8 Shifted the 15:1 model 17-18 School Year High School delivery of services changed from Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) to Consultant Teacher (CT) Expanding service delivery model at the K-5 level

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