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Blue Collar Connector.

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Collar Connector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Collar Connector

2 A Blue Collar Family

3 Hard working America

4 Difficult to Find TALENT
“Very find hard to find enough qualified mechanics during busy times.” – Coach Automotive “Insanely hard to find talent.” – Wright Appliance Repair Manager “The associated General Contractors of America revealed that nearly 80 percent of construction businesses are having a hard time finding qualified skilled labor.” – Tradesmen International

5 “For the last three years, according to ManpowerGroup, the hardest segment of the workforce for employers to staff with skilled talent hasn’t been registered nurses or engineers or even web developers. It’s been the skilled trades – the welders, electricians, machinists, etc. that are so prevalent in manufacturing and construction.” - Forbes

6 Expanding Industry “By 2017, an estimated 2.5 million new, middle-skill jobs like Poole's are expected to be added to the workforce, accounting for nearly 40% of all job growth, according to a USA TODAY analysis of local data from Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. and CareerBuilder.” – USA Today Yet as of 2014 the Blue Collar Workforce experienced a 5% higher unemployment rate than white collar jobs.

7 Market Research Every company mentioned the difficulty of finding qualified workers Word of Mouth was mentioned by everyone Craig's List was the most common response LinkedIn was only mentioned by Career Service Professional at trade school “99% of applicants that drop off resumes aren’t qualified.” – Mechanic Shop Owner “That is a great idea.” – Melton Service Center Owner

8 LinkedIn, Indeed, CraigsList?

9 Our Solution What we can do: Grow Connect Build

10 Invest in us

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