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Animal Farm chapters 1-2 L/O: AF3 (reading) deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Farm chapters 1-2 L/O: AF3 (reading) deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Farm chapters 1-2 L/O: AF3 (reading) deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts

2 WALT and WILF What Are we Learning Today What I’m Looking For
Working in groups to develop an understanding of character and events in the novel Interpreting characters and events in chapters 1-2 and making the connection to events elsewhere in the novel What I’m Looking For Grade C: understanding of the novel’s meaning and characters Grade B: developed interpretation of the novel’s meaning and characters Grade A: sustained and sophisticated interpretation of the novel’s meaning and characters

3 Starter – which is the odd one out?

4 Explore the significance of the following image

5 What is the relevance of the order of the animals as they enter and settle themselves in the barn on p13? What is the reader told about the raven on p15 and p24? What does this suggest about the raven?

6 What is the significance of the milk disappearing ?
Who do you think stole the milk? What could milk represent? DID YOU KNOW? Orwell said that the disappearance of the milk was one of the crucial moments in the book for the reader. Can you find the two quotes to go with this image? (one is on p16 and the other is on p30)

7 Impressions of characters in chapters 1-2
Give your opinion of the character supported by a quote Napoleon Snowball Squealer Boxer

8 What assumptions are being made of the animals, or by the animals, in the following quotes? (grade B question) ‘…on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw…’ (p13) ‘Almost overnight we could become rich and free.’ (p17) ‘…having once accepted the pigs as their teachers, they absorbed everything that they were told…’ (p25) ‘…it was theirs – everything that they could see was theirs!’ (p27)

9 Plenary – extend yourself: answer in detail – elaborate – and support your opinions (grade A question) In chapters 1 and 2, the reader is led to believe that the animals will become ‘rich and free’. Using your knowledge of the novel so far, explore the strengths and weaknesses of Major’s speech. Major begins his speech by saying the animals’ lives are ‘miserable, laborious and short’. However, the reader knows…

10 Spellings and homework for week 1
Begged Dragged Dropped Stopped Hummed Blasted Counted Disgusted Helped tricked Hand in your homework (this is on the VLE English documents Miss Fletcher writing and reading intervention homework)

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