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1 GLUON POLARISATION EINN 2005 introduction
Fulvio Tessarotto INFN – Trieste introduction ΔG from inclusive data analysis direct measurements of ΔG/G 1) method and previous measurements 2) recent results from COMPASS 3) measurements at RHIC outlook EINN 2005

2 measuring Q2 variations of g1 we can try to get DG
In inclusive polarised DIS one can measure an asymmetry in the differential cross-section: and extract the struture function g1. In the QPM g1 has a simple interpretation: In QCD at NLO g1 may depend explicitely on DG: measuring Q2 variations of g1 we can try to get DG Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

3 ½= ½ΔΣ + ΔG + Lq + Lg The nucleon spin quarks gluons orb. mom.
Ellis-Jaffe: ΔΣ = a0 ≈ 0.6 experimentally: a0 ≈ 0.25 ΔΣ = a0 + 3(s/2) ΔG Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

4 1/2 = ½ 0.32 + 0.80 + Lz = 0.96 + Lz Two years ago …
SLAC (E142, E143, E154, E155) CERN (EMC, SMC) DESY (HERMES) 185 exp. points DG not well constrained not extracted N.B. DS in JET scheme does NOT depend on Q2. n=1 moments of PD, JET scheme, Q2=1 GeV2 Spin-dependent PDFs 1/2 = ½ Lz = Lz E. Leader, A. Sidorov, D. Stamenov Phys. Rev. D67 (2003)  Lz is negative Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

5 ... Dg and Dq were largely unconstrained
Direct Dg measurement Is this still true? The pure polarized species, the frequent polarization reverse, the beam and apparatus stabilities make possible to measure for the first time the inclusive asymmetries on the level of Compare to the fixed target experiment. Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

6 final g1 data - Very good statistics - Smearing (resolution and
radiative corr.) → correlation between x bins Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

7 g1n(x) at high x from JLAB
PRL 92, (2004) pQCD + no Lz → A1=Du/u= Dd/d=1 at high x Very accurate A1n at high x A1n > 0 at x > 0.5 + world A1p → Dd/d < 0 so Lz not negligible ? Du/u Dd/d Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

8 g1d(x) at low x PLB 612 (2005) 154 g1/F1 new data : DS =0.202 ( ) → ( ) COMPASS systematically > SMC at low x Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

9 NLO QCD fits with new data + new unpolarised PDFs
Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

10 to know DG we still need to measure it
possible trend toward smaller DG but the results are scattered: to know DG we still need to measure it Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

11 polarised p p collision: RHIC
Direct Measurements: polarised p p collision: RHIC semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering: DESY, CERN (Photon Gluon Fusion) History: Idea proposed by R.D.Carlitz, J.C.Collins and A.H.Mueller, Phys.Lett.B 214, 229 (1988) ……..and many more revisited by A.Bravar,D.von Harrach and A.Kotzinian, Phys.Lett.B 421, 349 (1998) Method used in HERMES for photoproduction HERMES, A.Airapetian et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.84, 2584 (2000) Applied for DIS region by SMC (data with Q2 >1GeV2) SMC, B.Adeva et al.., Phys. Rev. D 70, (2004).

12 ΔG/G from Photon-Gluon Fusion
Strategies to suppress background: 1) Open charm production: q = c unique, no background charm fragmentation, 1.2 D0 per event D0 -> K- π+ (BR 4%), D*+(~20%) -> D0 π+ 2) High-PT hadron pair production: q=u,d,s skT(intr) = 450 MeV/c spT(frag) = 350 MeV/c pQCD scale set by: 1) ŝ > 4mc2 or 2) ŝ > (pt1+pt2)2 Photon-Gluon Fusion Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

13 HERMES & DESY 27.5 GeV e Pure atomic H or D targets
Spectrometer with complete hadron identification Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

14 HERMES ALL from high pT hadron pairs
photoproduction Proton target <xg> = 0.17 <Q2> = 0.06 (GeV/c)2 Promising channel, but … theoretical uncertainties may be large Statistics decreases with pT Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

15 ∆G/G = -0.200.290.11 ΔG/G from SMC DIS events
Q2 > 1 GeV2, 0.4<y<0.9 xF > 0.1, S pT2 > 2.5 (GeV/c)2 1% of inclusive sample µ+ 190 GeV Pµ= -0.78±0.03 ∆G/G = -0.200.290.11 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

Beam: µ+/ spill (4.8s / 16.2s) Luminosity: ~ cm-2 s-1 Beam polarisation: 76% Beam momentum: GeV/c LHC SPS COMPASS Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

17 Spectrometer 2002 -> 2004 trigger-hodoscopes SPS 160 GeV
DW45 straws SM2 dipole Muon-filter2,MW2 RICH_1 HCAL1 Gem_11 SM1 dipole ECAL2,HCAL2 Polarised Target MWPC Gems Scifi SPS 160 GeV 2.108m/spill Muon-filter1,MW1 Veto straws,MWPC,Gems,SciFi Gems,SciFi,DCs,straws Silicon SciFi Micromegas,DC,SciFi Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

18 New detector technologies

19 ΔG/G from open charm c D0 K- π+ (BR 4%) D*+ D0 π+ + c.c.
charm contribution to the nucleon wave function is small Special trigger: quasi real photoproduction DsPGF at NLO: Bojak, Stratmann NPB 540 (1999) 345; A.P. Contogouris and G. Grispos, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000). ŝ = m2cc Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

20 D* tagging: D* D0 π (Kπ)π MKpps-MKp -Mp (MeV/c2) Cuts: D* D0 π
zD > 0.2 |cos q*| < 0.85 (Background) 10 < pK < 35 GeV/c (RICH PID) D* D0 π no vertex detector (solid target!) MKp -MD0 (MeV/c2) D K π Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

21 ΔG/G = -1.08 ± 0.73 ΔG/G from open charm <xg> ~0.15
D0 (untagged, 2003) eventi D*+→D0π+ (2003) 1100 eventi D0 → K π π0 ΔG/G = ± 0.73 <xg> ~0.15 0.73  0.43 with 2004 data MC: Aroma + PolDis Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

22 Pairs of hadrons with high pt and Q2 > 1 GeV/c
Photon Gluon Fusion current fragmentation: event cuts: xF > 0.1 z > 0.1 Q2 > 1 (GeV/c)2 xBj < 0.05 0.1 < y < 0.9 2 high pt hadrons: pt > GeV/c pt12+pt22 > 2.5 (GeV/c)2 m(h1h2) > GeV/c2 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

23 Result for high pt asymmetry
Asymmetry for high-pt hadron pairs at Q2 > 1 (GeV/c)2: Aγ*d = ± (stat.) ± (syst.) 2002/03 data Systematic uncertainty contains contributions from: target and beam polarisation measurement (5% resp. 3%) upper limit on false asymmetries (0.013) determination of D and f (5% each) Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

24 determination of ΔG/G Leading Order Photon Gluon Fusion QCD-Compton cut on xBj < 0.05: Relative Fractions determined by Monte Carlo (LEPTO) Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

25 Data Monte Carlo comparision
Use LEPTO Monte Carlo for Q2>1 (GeV/c)2 including RADGEN Determination of the fraction of PGF events in LEPTO: σPGF/σtot = 0.34 ± 0.07 (syst.) Variation of the cut on pt2 Standard and modified* set of fragmentation parameters * SMC, B. Adeva et al., Phys. Rev. D70:012002, 2004 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

26 COMPASS result for ΔG/G
2002/03 data Q2 > 1 (GeV/c)2 ΔG/G = ± 0.31stat. ± 0.06syst. at <xg> = 0.13 ± 0.08 10% of statistics Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos, GSA,B,C: T. Gehrmann and W. Sterling, Z. Phys. C65 (1994) 461.

27 Pairs of hadrons with high pt and Q2 < 1 GeV/c
ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf all Q² + Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

28 Physical background ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf all Q²
+ Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc + Rqq q/q aLLqq q/q  Q² < 1 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

29 Physical background ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf all Q²
+ Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc + Rqq q/q aLLqq q/q  Q² < 1 + Rqg G/G aLLqg q/q  Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

30 Physical background ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf all Q²
+ Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc + Rqq q/q aLLqq q/q  + Rqg G/G aLLqg q/q  Q² < 1 + Rgq q/q aLLgq (G/G)  Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

31 Physical background ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf all Q²
+ Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc + Rqq q/q aLLqq q/q  + Rqg G/G aLLqg q/q  Q² < 1 + Rgq q/q aLLgq (G/G)  + Rgg G/G aLLgg (G/G)  Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

32 Physical background ALL/D = Rpgf G/G aLLpgf + Rqcdc q/q aLLqcdc
Inputs: generation of Monte Carlo evts parametrization (world data) pQCD calculations + Rqq q/q aLLqq q/q  + Rqg G/G aLLqg q/q  + Rgq q/q aLLgq (G/G)  + Rgg G/G aLLgg (G/G)  Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

33 Resolved photon processes
polarised parton distribution functions of (virtual…) photon are unknown! BUT: -q(x,²) < q(x,²) < q(x,²) measured leads to 2 extreme (min&max) scenarios  additional (theoretical) uncertainty Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

34 .data Q² MC/data comparison PYTHIA generator is used for Q²<1GeV²
GEANT is used for spectrometer simulation .data - MC data/MC Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

35 .data .data pT MC/data comparison - MC - MC data/MC data/MC
Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

36 Results from MC The Monte Carlo describes our data quite well!
Rpgf ≈ 31% Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

37 Gluon polarisation, high pT pairs
Q2>1GeV2 : data Q2<1GeV2: Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

38 Gluon polarisation results:
GRSV2000 NLO fits to g1 m2 = 3 Gev2 ΔG/G (xg ≈ 0.1) is small DG>1 disfavoured Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

39 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005

40 ΔG/G from two jet events
Leading hadron used as jet tag Hard Scattering Process qg+gq qq gg Pt [GeV/c] Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

41 Prompt photon production asymmetry
Gluon Compton Dominates At LO no fragmentation function Small contamination from annihilation A1 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

42 2 superconducting rings 3.8 km circumference
NSRL Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

43 RHIC – first polarized hadron collider
Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) pC Polarimeters PHOBOS BRAHMS Siberian Snakes Siberian Snakes PHENIX STAR Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Spin flipper Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Solenoid Partial Siberian Snake Pol. H- Source LINAC BOOSTER 5% Helical Partial Siberian Snake AGS 200 MeV Polarimeter Internal Polarimeter pC Polarimeter Rf Dipole 25% Helical Partial Siberian Snake Achieved ~ 50% beam polarization at 100 GeV Achieved ~ 30% beam polarization at 205 GeV on first try! Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

44 New AGS helical snakes 2.6 m 2.6 m
6 % helical snake build at Tokana Industries funded by RIKEN. 2.6 m Warm snake avoids polarization mismatch at AGS injection and extraction. Cold strong snake eliminates all depolarizing resonances in AGS. 2.6 m 25% s.c. helical snake build at BNL Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

45 STAR spin physics program: ∆G, ∆q/∆q, δq
Large acceptance TPC and EMC -1<η<2 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

46 ΔG – Star: ALL for jets (2005)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 gg qq qg Inclusive Jets :LO W. Vogelsang 2005 pT (GeV) Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

47 Philosophy: PHENIX Detector Central Arms: Muon Arm: Global Detectors
High rate capability & granularity Good mass resolution and particle ID Sacrifice acceptance Central Arms: ||<0.35, =2900 Charged particle ID and tracking; photon ID Muon Arm: 1.2<||<2.4 Muon ID and tracking Global Detectors Collision trigger Collision vertex characterization Relative luminosity Local Polarimetry Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

48 π0 prompt γ pp -> π0/prompt g + X
Excellent agreement with NLO & NLL calculation with collider data ! Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

49 pp -> p0 + X 2003/4 Outlook 2005/7 Run 5 (April –June 2005):
absolute polarimeter: ∆Pb/Pb~7% ∫Ldt ~ 3pb-1, <Pb>~0.45  reduces statistical error by factor 7 2003/4 PHENIX ALL for Inclusive p0 production at √s=200 GeV, data with about ∫Ldt~0.3pb-1 and <Pb>~0.3 Outlook 2005/7 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

50 B. Jaeger et al. Phys. Rev. D67, 054005 (2003)
Y. Fukao, spin2004 B. Jaeger et al. Phys. Rev. D67, (2003) Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

51 ΔG at RHIC – summary & outlook
Various channels, large coverage in xg - Jet/leading hadron production : First results of ALL pp p0 +X from PHENIX Very good perspective for p+- at PHENIX and jets at STAR - Direct photon production: hard scale 100 GeV 2, xg reconstructed in STAR - Heavy flavours, ... RHIC Spin program on track, major effort to reach performance Run s1/2(GeV) Pbeam L(pb-1) > > Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

52 Physics vs Luminosity and Polarization at RHIC
Outlook Physics vs Luminosity and Polarization at RHIC see Spin report to DOE L= 1x1031cm-2s x1031cm-2s x1032cm-2s-1 P= …………………………………… √s= ……………………… GeV ………………… GeV| eRHIC … (RHIC II) 10 pb-1 …………………………………… 275pb …… pb-1 @ 200GeV @ 500GeV ELIC Inclusive hadrons + Jets ~ 25% Transverse Physics Charm Physics direct photons bottom physics W-physics ALL(hadrons, Jets) ALL(charm) ALL(γ) AL(W) Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

53 PHENIX Forward Upgrade: W-physics and jet+photon
Muon Trigger Upgrade  RPC + FPGA based trigger logic Nose cone calorimeter  W-Si calorimeter Trigger RPC Locations June 2005: $1.99M NSF MRI grant approved + $280k institutional support UC Riverside, Abilene Christian, Iowa State, U. Illinois, U. Colorado, Columbia, Georgia Tech., RBRC, Kyoto, Peking U., RPC2 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

54 ∆G Measurements by 2012 see Spin report to DOE s=200 GeV incl. 0 prod’n s=500 GeV incl. jet prod’n Final results on ∆G will come from combined NLO analysis of RHIC and DIS RHIC measurements will span broad range in x with good precision. Multiple channels with independent theo. and exp. uncertainties. Uncertainty through extrapolation to small x Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

55 COMPASS Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

56 COMPASS upgrade in 2006 3 m 6 m 5 m Photon Detectors: CsI MWPC vessel
mirror wall vessel radiator: C4F10 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

57 2006 will be a very important year
Figure of Merit for open charm FoM 2002 – > 2006 FoM(DG/G) s(DG/G)=1/FoM1/2 hard work to increase FoM 2006 will be a very important year Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

58 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005

59 Additional equipment to the COMPASS setup
μ’ p’ μ DVCS μp  μ’p’ At these energies (for μ, μ’, and ) the missing mass technique is not adapted M2required = (mp+mπ)2-mp2 = 0.25 GeV2 M2observed > 1 GeV2  ECal 1 or 2   12° Recoil detector to insure exclusivity to be designed and built + additional calorimeter at larger angle Nμ=2.108/SPS cycle (duration 5.2s, each 16.8s) 2.5m liquid H2 target to be designed and built L = cm-2 s-1 Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

60 COMPASS far future: GPD’s, transversity, DG/G and hadron program will benefit from a possible upgrade of the SPS: a Superconducting SPS (1 TeV) is better suited to LHC needs; A bright future for DG both at short and long term Fulvio Tessarotto EINN 2005 Milos,

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