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Au Gold Review.

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1 Au Gold Review

2 characteristic char – ac – ter - is – tic (adj)
Kid friendly definition: distinguishing one person or thing from others; special; distinctive Sentence stem: The sly bandit had one distinguishing…

3 engulfed en – gulfed (v.) Kid friendly definition: swallowed up;
overwhelmed Sentence stem: The burning house was totally…

4 extract ex – tract (v.) Kid friendly definition: to pull or draw out
Sentence stem: The fishermen were trying to …

5 exploit ex – ploit (v.) Kid friendly definition: to make use of; take advantage of Sentence stem: Explorers came to the New World and…

6 hoard hoard (v.) Kid friendly definition: what is saved and
stored away Sentence stem: Squirrels search for acorns to …

7 corrode cor – rode (v.) Kid friendly definition: to wear or eat
away gradually Sentence stem: A leaking battery will let acid escape and…

More Words to Know Certain words have feelings and emotions associated with them. These associations add shades of meaning, or small differences in meaning, to words that could be considered synonyms. For example, the words fire and inferno are similar in meaning, but inferno suggests a fire that is out of control. WORD WORDS WITH SIMILAR MEANINGS engulf hoard extract submerge, bury, overwhelm store, stockpile, supply pull out, tear, draw out, remove

9 convenient easy, or comfortable for use; handy

10 advancement process of promoting a cause

11 probability the possibility that an event will occur; chances

12 biology the study of living organisms

13 promotion the act of raising someone to a higher position

14 expandable to become larger; to spread or stretch out; unfold

15 Main Idea and Details The main idea is the most important idea about a topic. Details are less important pieces of information that tell more about the main idea. Sometimes an author states the main idea of a paragraph or an entire article in a single sentence at the beginning or the end or, rarely, in the middle of the writing.

16 Text-Based Response Look Back and Write (Pg. 280, #5) Why would or wouldn’t gold prospectors be wiser to look for gold in the sea than in the hills? Read from page 276 to the top of 278; then write a clear answer. Provide evidence to support your answer.

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