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Description of strange particle production in Pbar-P and Pbar-A

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1 Description of strange particle production in Pbar-P and Pbar-A
interactions in FTF model A.Galoyan, V.Uzhinsky PndBoxGenerator, PndDpmDirect, PndDpmGenerator, PndEvtGenGenerator, PndFlatParticleGenerator., PndFlukaGenerator, PndGasGenerator, PndGiBuuGenerator. PndHypBupGenerator, PndJRGenerator, PndPythia6Generator, PndUrqmdSmmGenerator, EMFFgenerators Geant4 9.5 realese ( Interactions of anti-baryons (including anti-hyperons) and light anti-nuclei with matter have been implemented in the Fritiof (FTF) model. This model is valid for incident anti-baryon energies from 0 to 1 TeV, and for incident anti-nucleus momenta from 150 MeV/c/nucleon up to 1 TeV/c/nucleon. Corresponding anti-baryon and anti-nuclear cross section classes have also been added. New processes were added to handle inelastic reactions of anti-deuterons, anti-tritons, anti-3He and anti-alphas. (from the release Note) Content 1. Cross sections of Pbar-P processes in FTF model 2. Comparison of calculations of Pbar-P channels by FTF model with exp. data 3. Comparison of calculations of Pbar-P inclusive cross sections with exp. data 4. Differential cross sections of Λ-Λbar and Λ-Σbar productions in Pbar-P interactions 5. Consideration of Λ and Ks0 kinematical properties produced in Pbar-P reactions 6. Calculations of kinematical properties of particles produced in Pbar-A interactions 7. Cross sections of Λ and Ks0 production in Pbar-Nucleus interactions. 1

2 FTF generator in PandaRoot
PndFtfGen class in PandaRoot/trunk/pgenerators directory To compile FTF it is needed to give command: > make –f Ftfmake FTFGen executable file is produced. FTF allows one to generate Pbar – P or Pbar – A events at energy range from 100 MeV to 1000 GeV pgenerators/FtfEvtGen directory: CMakeLists.txt PbarA.mac Test30HadronProduction.c Ftfmake Test30Material.c PbarP.mac Test30Physics.c README.txt G4DecKineticTracks.c include Test30VSecondaryGenerator.c Include directory: FTFtest1.icc G4DecKineticTracks.hh Test30Physics.hh FTFtest2.icc Test30VSecondaryGenerator.hh FTFtest3.icc Test30HadronProduction.hh FTFtest4.icc Test30Material.hh 2

3 Cross sections of Pbar-P processes in FTF model of Geant4

4 Pbar-P channel cross sections with baryons in final states
Exp. data: E.Bracci et al.,CERN/HERA 73-1(1973) 4

5 Pbar-P annihilation channel cross sections
5 Exp. data: E.Bracci et al.,CERN/HERA 73-1(1973)

6 Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton – Proton reactions
Rapidity distributions of pi- mesons in Pbar-P interactions. Exp data: G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 C.P. Ward et al., Nucl. Phys. B E.E. Zabrodin et al., Phys. Rev.D, V52, N3, 1995 6

7 Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton – Proton reactions
Rapidity distributions of pi+ mesons in Pbar-P interactions in a wide energy range 7

8 Results for inclusive cross sections of AntiProton–Proton reactions
Rapidity distributions of produced protons Exp data: E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982 G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 J. Chyla, Czech. J. Phys. B E .G. Boos et al., Nucl. Phys. B , 1980 8

9 Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar, Pbarp-> ΛΣbar
Exp data: P. D. Barnes et al., Phys. Rev. C (1996) P. D. Barnes et al., Phys Lett B (1990) P. D. Barnes et al., Phys Lett B (1987) 9

10 Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar, PbarP->ΛΣbar
We introduced anisotropic decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) Exp data: P. D. Barnes et al., Phys. Rev. C (1996) P. D. Barnes et al., Phys Lett B (1990) P. D. Barnes et al., Phys Lett B (1987) 10

11 Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar, PbarP->ΛΣbar at
Plab=6 GeV/c FTF results with isotropic decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) FTF results with anisotropic decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) 11 Exp. data: H. Becker et al., Nucl. Phys. B (1978)

12 Differential Cross Sections of PbarP->ΛΛbar at different momenta
FTF results with anisotropic decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) Exp. data: B. Jayet et al., Nuov. Cim. A45, 371 (1978) 12

13 Xf and Pt2 distributions of Ks0 in PbarP->Ks0 +X at Plab=0.76 GeV/c
Inclusive Cross Sections of PbarP->Λ+X and PbarP->Ks0+X processes S. Banerjee et al., TIFR-BC-78-8 Xf and Pt2 distributions of Ks0 in PbarP->Ks0 +X at Plab=0.76 GeV/c A.M. Cooper et al., Nucl.Phys.B 136, 1978, P.365 13

14 Kinematic distributions of Λ, Λbar, Ks0 produced in PbarP interactions at P=3.6 GeV/c
exp data: S. Banerjee et al., TIFR-BC-78-8 FTF results without and with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) 14

15 Kinematic distributions of Λ and Ks0 produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=12 GeV/c
FTF results without and with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) Exp data: D. Bertrand et al., Nucl. Phys. B (1977) 15

16 Kinematic distributions of Λ and Ks0 produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=22.4 GeV/c
FTF results without and with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) Exp data: B.V. Batyunya et al., Z. Phys.C (1984) 16

17 Kinematic distributions of Λ, Λbar and Ks0 produced in PbarP
interactions at Plab=32 GeV/c FTF results with anisotropy of decay of antidiquark-diquark strings ( process b) Exp data: M.A. Jabiol et al., Nucl. Phys.B127, 1977, P.365 17 17

18 Kinematic distributions of Λ and Ks0 produced in PbarP interactions at Plab=100 GeV/c
18 Exp data: D.R. Ward et al., Phys. Lett. 62B 237 (1976)

19 Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions
Simulation of Antibaryon–Nucleus interactions in FTF model A. Galoyan, Hyperfine Interactions: v. 215 (2013) 69 “Simulations of light antinucleus-nucleus interactions” Low energy, Std. cascade. Cascade+ Resonances Model of nuclear disintegration In high-energy nucleus nucleus interactions. K. Abdel-Waged, V.V. Uzhinsky Phys.Atom.Nucl.60: ,1997. High energy, Std. QGS. Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions S.Yu. Shmakov, V.V. Uzhinsky, Zeit. fur Phys. C36:77,1987. Max. cross section method: W.A. Coleman: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 32 (1968) 76 19

20 Antibaryon–Nucleus inelastic interactions at different momenta
Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions, HARP-CDP exp. data Nmax=1, Plab=3, 5 GeV/c: Nmax=2, Plab=8 GeV/c: Nmax=3, Plab=12 The same is true for anti-nucleus – nucleus interactions 20

21 reactions inflight Results of FTF validation for Antiproton–Nucleus
Momentum distributions of π Momentum distributions of Protons exp data: P.L. McGaughey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. V56, N20, 1986 21

22 Angle and energy distributions of pions and protons in Pbar-C /Nbar-C
Results of FTF validation for AntiProton–Nucleus reactions inflight Angle and energy distributions of pions and protons in Pbar-C /Nbar-C interactions at projectile momentum 750 MeV/c exp. data: P.L. McGaughey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. V56, N20, 1986 22

23 reactions inflight Results of FTF validation for AntiProton–Nucleus
Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Al, Pbar-Cu at projectile momenta 1.22 GeV/c T. von Egidy et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 197 (2000) LEAR collab. data 23

24 Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Ta, Pbar-U
Results of FTF validation for Antiproton–Nucleus Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Ta, Pbar-U A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky // PoS (Baldin-ISHEPP-XXII) (2015) 049 A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky // PoS (Baldin-ISHEPP-XXII) (2015) 049 Exp: T. von Egidy et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 197 (2000) LEAR collab. data 24

25 interactions at p= 200 GeV/c
Results of FTF validation for Pbar-Nucleus interactions at p= 200 GeV/c Rapidity Ch+, Rapidity Ch- mesons Multi-particle production on hydrogen, argon and xenon targets in a streamer chamber by 200 GeV/c proton and antiproton beams. De Marzo et al. Phys. Rev. D26 (1982) 1019 26

26 Production cross sections of Ks0 and Λ and produced in Pbar-A
interactions Plab = 600 MeV/c H He Ne20 Sigma_Lam Sigma_Ks Plab= 3000 MeV/c H H Ta Sigma_Lam Sigma_Ks Plab=4000 MeV/c H Ta Sigma_Lam Sigma_Ks Exp data: F. Balestra et al., Nucl. Phys. A (1991) K. Miyano et al., preprint KEK (1988) 26

27 Kinametical properties of Λ and Ks0 produced in Pbar-Xe
interactions at Plab=200 GeV/c Exp data: I. Derado et al., Z. Phys. C Particles and Fields 50, (1991) 27

28 Conclusion Future tasks
1. Differential cross sections of ΛΛbar and ΛΣbar produced in Pbar-P interactions are calculated in FTF model. Anisotropic decay of diquark-anti- diquark strings is introduced for agreement with corresponding exp. data 2. Kinematical properties of Λ hyperons and Ks0 mesons produced in PbarP processes are calculated in FTF model with and without anizotropic decay and compared with exp. data at different initial momenta. 3. Comparison of Λ hyperon production cross sections in Pbar-Nucleus interactions at low and intermediate energies shows that results of FTF+Bic are essentially lower than exp. data. However, calculated Ks0 meson production cross sections are in reasonable agreement with exp. data. 4. Good results are obtained at comparison of exp data with FTF calculations for Λ hyperons and Ks0 mesons produced in Pbar-P interactions at 100 GeV/c and Pbar-Xe interactions at 200 GeV/c. Future tasks Analyse of self consistency of exp. data on Λ hyperons and Ks0 mesons produced in Pbar-P interactions. Perform Geant4 simulation, reconstruction and analysis of ΛΛbar and ΛΣbar Channels generated by FTF model in PandaRoot. Study of other hyperon (Λ*, Σ, Σ*...) production in FTF and compare with 28

29 Results for inclusive cross sections of Antiproton–Proton reactions
PT2 of Pi+ mesons PT2 of Protons J. Chyla, Czech. J. Phys. B E .G. Boos et al., Nucl. Phys. B , 1980 E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982 14

30 Kinemetical properties of Λ and Ks0 produced in Pbar-Ne
interactions at Plab=0.6 GeV/c Exp data: F. Balestra et al., Nucl. Phys. A (1991)

31 Results of FTF validation for Antiproton–Nucleus reactions
Multiplicity distributions of neutrons produced in Pbar-Nucleus at energy 1.22 GeV in FTF and UrQMD models A.S.Galoyan et al., «Scaling and Asymptotical Properties of Slow Neutron Inclusive Cross Sections ...» JETP Lett : B. Lott et al., Phys.Rev.C 25

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