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Letter to Sardis: The Liberal Church

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1 Letter to Sardis: The Liberal Church
Revelation 3:1-6

2 Sardis Gymnasium

3 Temple of Cybele

4 The Church at Sardis was “Dead”
The city was very sinful The city had been conquered twice The Church got complacent

5 3 Reasons the Church had “Died”
The Church relied on its past success They allowed sin to creep into the membership They were unaware of their spiritual condition

6 The Call Toward Spiritual Renewal
Churches die because false doctrine slips in The Bible is the “Perfect” & “Inerrant” Word of God If the Word of God says it; That settles it

7 Jesus gives a Warning He will come like a thief
We are to “Work” and “Watch” The Faithful have nothing to fear

8 3 Promises for the Faithful
They will “Walk with Him” and be “Clothed in White” They will never have their names “Blotted out of the Book of Life” He will “Acknowledge them before His Father and the Angels of Heaven”

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