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Harvest of the Month Your Name Title.

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Presentation on theme: "Harvest of the Month Your Name Title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harvest of the Month Your Name Title

2 This month is a green fruit with little black seeds
This month is a green fruit with little black seeds. How many of you have tried Kiwi?

3 Kiwi were first grown in China. But they were not always called Kiwi
Kiwi were first grown in China. But they were not always called Kiwi. It China it was called Mang Tao fruit. The royal dynasty cherished the fruit, it was a delicacy. Missionaries took the little green fruit to New Zealand where the people there decided to start calling the fruit kiwi, named after their local bird the kiwi.

4 The kiwi bird looks like this
The kiwi bird looks like this. It has a really long beak that it eats worms and insects with. This bird has short little wings that are two inches long, which means it can not fly. So it uses its three toed feet to run really fast, faster than humans.

5 Kiwis grow on a vine…but not your typical vine
Kiwis grow on a vine…but not your typical vine. These vines can grow to be 30ft tall, and they can live for 50 years. But these vines are not very strong so farmers provide supports for the vine so that it doesn’t break. It has heart shaped leaves, if you put your hands together you can make a heart, that’s what the leaves kind of look like.

6 Kiwi fruit is picked in the fall
Kiwi fruit is picked in the fall. The vines must hibernate all winter then in the spring a bud forms and then the fruit begins to grow again.

7 Vitamin K- when you get a cut it helps your body to stop the bleeding, it is kind of like a Band-Aid
Vitamin C- helps your immune system and helps heal your body when you are sick, one kiwi has all the vitamin C you need in one day Fiber- helps clean your intestines to remove any harmful things that may be in there

8 When you go to the store how do you know how to pick ripe kiwi
When you go to the store how do you know how to pick ripe kiwi? If you push gently with your thumb it should press in a little bit. It shouldn’t be really hard or really squishy. Ask a kid to feel it, what does this feel like? Its hairy, but you can actually eat the skin. Kiwi not only comes in this emerald green but it also comes in golden, yellow.

9 Sample time! For This Harvest we served a slice of green kiwi, a slice of golden kiwi, and then homemade fruit salsa (strawberry, mango, peach, and kiwi) on a cinnamon sugar tortilla chip. Try to do three ways: raw, cooked, and in something. For example Tomato: raw cherry tomato, homemade tomato soup, bruschetta.

10 Samples! Generally try to do: Salad greens: Kiwi: Raw Cooked
In Something Salad greens: Plain Iceberg Romaine with Caesar Spring mix with Orange Vinaigrette Kiwi: Slice of Green Kiwi Slice of Golden Kiwi Fruit salsa with Cinnamon Sugar chip We try to present the featured produce in three ways. Preferable raw, cooked, and in something. It doesn’t always happen that way. In the picture here is Salad Greens. And we did plain iceberg lettuce, Romaine with Caesar, and then Spring Mix with a homemade orange vinaigrette It is important to remember, what is in season and what is affordable to feed that many children.

11 Outline Talking Points
Presenter Materials Outline Talking Points That was the PowerPoint to show the students. Before for the presenter is a blank outline to fill out, with the talking points that correspond with the slides. See the little red numbers correspond to the information for each of the slides.

12 Family Materials Student Handout
Student handout: goes home with each of the students. Because children are not the gatekeeper of what food is provided for them at home, it is important to help the parents have the information and get them involved. It has the nutrition facts of the featured produce, it has produce tips, and some more fun information about the featured produce. Then on the back has recipes for the parents to try. They are easy to use.

13 Student Stickers Grocery Sign
Community Materials Student Stickers Grocery Sign Then to further encourage the children it is vital that the community get involved so the children each get a sticker to that says they tried the fruit or vegetable. That way when the parents pick up the student from school they will see the sticker and then ask their child about it. Then to get the community involved we partner with local grocery stores to have them feature that months produce, by placing a sign near that fruit or vegetable so that people in the community and parents know which fruit or vegetable is served that month at the elementary school.

14 Ways Harvest is being implemented: School PE classes
Ways Harvest is being implemented: School PE classes (Pierre: McKinley, Buchanan, and Jefferson) School assembly (Pierre: Washington) High school students teaching (Partnership with SDSU Extension) (Baltic, Belle Fourche, Chamberlain, Clark, Highmore, Newell, Red Field, Sturgis, Wessington Springs, White River, Winner) Health class (Jones County) After school program (Jones County) For the high school students they taught 3-5 Harvest Lessons to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Some schools do a combination.

15 Funding Add your own funding ideas unique to your situation and program.

16 SD Harvest of the Month Go to website.

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