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ALICE – First paper.

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1 ALICE – First paper

Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons TOF TRD HMPID ITS PMD Muon Arm PHOS ALICE Set-up TPC

3 ALICE TPC Large volume gas detector
Drift volume and MPWC at the end caps 3-dim. “continuous” tracking device for charged particles x,y of pad z derived from drift time Designed to record up to tracks Event rate: about 1 kHz Typical event size for a central Pb+Pb collision: about 75 MByte 3

4 ALICE TPC: 5 years of construction


6 Trigger system Minimal requirements High level requirements
Detect collisions Initialise readout of detectors Initialise data transfer to data acquisition (DAQ) Protection against pile-up High level requirements Select interesting events Needs real-time processing of raw data and extraction of physics observables trigger detector trigger system Detectors Why? interaction rate (e.g. 8 kHz for Pb+Pb) > detector readout rate (e.g. 1 kHz for TPC) > DAQ archiving rate ( Hz) Readout electronics raw data high-level trigger trigger DAQ processed data

7 What to trigger on? trigger
Every central Pb+Pb collisions produces a QGP - no need for a QGP-trigger But hard probes are (still) rare at high momentum In addition, the reconstruction efficiency of heavy quark probes is very low E.g. Detection of hadronic charm decays: D0  K– + + about 1 D0 per event (central Pb-Pb) in ALICE acceptance after cuts signal/event = 0.001 background/event = 0.01 trigger

8 PHOS L0 trigger PbO4W- crystal calorimeter for photons, neutral mesons, 1 to > 100 GeV Array of crystals APD preamp trigger logic readout DAQ L0 trigger tasks shower finder energy sum implementation FPGA VHDL firmware L0/L1 trigger 8

9 PHOS – muon tracks

10 D0 trigger Detection of hadronic charm decays: D0  K– + + (6.75%), c = 124 m HLT code D0 finder: cut on d0(K)*d0() TPC tracker TPC+ITS track fitter displaced decay vertex finder ITS TPC Preliminary result: invariant mass resolution is within a factor of two compared to offline

11 Introducing the High Level Trigger
ALICE data rates (example TPC) TPC is the largest data source with channels, 512 timebins and 10 bit ADC value. Central Pb+Pb collisions event rates: ~200 Hz (past/future protected) event sizes: ~75 Mbyte (after zero-suppression) data rates: ~ 15 Gbyte/sec TPC data rate alone exceeds by far the total DAQ bandwidth of 1.25 Gbyte/sec HLT tasks Event selection based on software trigger Efficient data compression

12 HLT requirements Full event reconstruction in real-time Event analysis
Main task: reconstruction of up to charged particle trajectories Method: Pattern recognition in the TPC Cluster finder Track finder Track fit Global track fit ITS-TPC-TRD Vertex finder Event analysis Trigger decision

13 HLT architecture HLT is a generic high performance cluster Detectors
DAQ HLT Mass storage

14 HLT building blocks (1) Hardware Nodes Network Infrastructure
Sufficient computing power for p+p 121 Front-End PCs: 968 CPU cores, TB RAM, equipped with custom PCI card for receiving detector data 51 Computing PCs: 408 CPU cores,1.104 TB RAM Network Infiniband backbone, GigaBit ethernet Infrastructure 20 redundant servers for all critical systems

15 HLT building blocks (2) Software Cluster management and monitoring
Data transport and process synchronisation framework Interfaces to online systems: Experiement control system, Detector control system, Offline DB,... Event reconstruction and trigger applications

16 First paper

17 First paper

18 First paper

19 First paper

20 First paper

21 Planning pp run November 200 collision @ 900 GeV
December 106 collisions @ 900 GeV Some collisions @ 2.4 TeV February-> collisions @ 7 TeV

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