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Compilers Welcome to a journey to CS419 Lecture15: Syntax Analysis:

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1 Compilers Welcome to a journey to CS419 Lecture15: Syntax Analysis:
Cairo University FCI Welcome to a journey to Compilers CS419 Lecture15: Syntax Analysis: Top-Down Parsing (Prerequisites) (Cont’d) Dr. Hussien Sharaf Dr. Mohammad Nassef Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University

2 designing a top-down parser:
Dr. Mohammad Nassef designing a top-down parser: Steps: Elimination of Ambiguity Elimination of Left Recursion Left Factoring Drawing Transition Diagram (Optional) Applying First/Follow operators Building the Parsing Table Parse the given statements

3 Transition diagrams Transition diagrams can describe recursive parsers, just like they can describe lexical analyzers, but the diagrams are slightly different. Construction: Eliminate left recursion from grammar G Left factor grammar G For each non-terminal A, do: Create an initial and final (return) state For each production A -> X1 X2 … Xn, create a path from the initial to the final state with edges X1 X2 … Xn.

4 Example transition diagrams
An expression grammar with left recursion and ambiguity removed: E -> T E’ E’ -> + T E’ | ε T -> F T’ T’ -> * F T’ | ε F -> ( E ) | id Example : parse the string “id + id * id” Corresponding transition diagrams:

5 Using transition diagrams
Begin in the start state for the start symbol When we are in state s with edge labeled by terminal a to state t, if the next input symbol is a, move to state t and advance the input pointer. For an edge to state t labeled with non-terminal A, jump to the transition diagram for A, and when finished, return to state t For an edge labeled ε, move immediately to t.

6 Procedure Make a transition diagram( like DFA/NFA) for every rule of the grammar. Optimize the DFA by reducing the number of states, yielding the final transition diagram To parse a string, simulate the string on the transition diagram If after consuming the input the transition diagram reaches an accept state, it is parsed.

7 designing a top-down parser:
Dr. Mohammad Nassef designing a top-down parser: Steps: Elimination of Ambiguity Elimination of Left Recursion Left Factoring Drawing Transition Diagram (Optional) Applying First/Follow operators Building the Parsing Table Parse the given statements

8 Predictive parsing Recall the main idea of top-down parsing:
Start at the root, grow towards leaves Pick a production and try to match input May need to backtrack Can we avoid the backtracking? Given A   |  the parser should be able to choose between  and  How? What if we do some "preprocessing" to answer the question: Given a non-terminal A and look-ahead t, which (if any) production of A is guaranteed to start with a t?

9 Predictive parsing Armed with
FIRST FOLLOW We can build a parser where no backtracking is required!

10 Example grammar for first/follow
EE+E EE*E E(E) Eid Original grammar: This grammar is left-recursive, ambiguous and requires left-factoring. It needs to be modified before we build a predictive parser for it: Remove ambiguity: Remove left recursion: ETE' E'+TE'| TFT' T'*FT'| F(E) Fid EE+T TT*F F(E) Fid

11 Computing first: Compute FIRST(X) as follows:
if X is a terminal, then FIRST(X)={X} if X is a production, then add  to FIRST(X) if X is a non-terminal and XY1Y2...Yn is a production, add FIRST(Y1) to FIRST(X) if X is a non-terminal and XY1Y2...Yn is a production, add FIRST(Yi) to FIRST(X) if the preceding Yj’s contain  in their FIRSTs Focus on L.H.S of productions

12 FIRST Example E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ |  F  (E) | id
CS416 Compiler Design Fall 2003 FIRST Example E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ |  F  (E) | id FIRST(F) = {(,id} FIRST(T’) = {*, } FIRST(T) = FIRST(F) = {(,id} FIRST(E’) = {+, } FIRST(E) = FIRST(T) = {(,id} FIRST(TE’) = {(,id} FIRST(+TE’ ) = {+} FIRST() = {} FIRST(FT’) = {(,id} FIRST(*FT’) = {*} FIRST((E)) = {(} FIRST(id) = {id}

13 Computing follow Compute FOLLOW as follows:
FOLLOW(S) contains EOF (or $) For productions AB, everything in FIRST() except  goes into FOLLOW(B) For productions AB or AB where FIRST() contains , FOLLOW(B) contains everything that is in FOLLOW(A) Focus on R.H.S of productions

14 FOLLOW Example E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ | 
CS416 Compiler Design Fall 2003 FOLLOW Example E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ |  F  (E) | id FOLLOW(E) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(E’) = Follow(E) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(T) = FIRST(E’) + FOLLOW(E’) = { +, ), $ } FOLLOW(T’) = FOLLOW(T) = { +, ), $ } FOLLOW(F) = FIRST(T’) + FOLLOW(T’) = {+, *, ), $ }

15 designing a top-down parser:
Dr. Mohammad Nassef designing a top-down parser: Steps: Elimination of Ambiguity Elimination of Left Recursion Left Factoring Drawing Transition Diagram (Optional) Applying First/Follow operators Building the Parsing Table Parse the given statements

16 Predictive parsing (w/table)
For each production A do: For each terminal a  FIRST() add A to entry M[A,a] If FIRST(), add A to entry M[A,b] for each terminal b  FOLLOW(A). If FIRST() and EOFFOLLOW(A), add A to M[A,EOF] Use table and stack to simulate recursion.

17 LL(1) Parsing table E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ | 
CS416 Compiler Design Fall 2003 LL(1) Parsing table E  TE’ E’  +TE’ |  T  FT’ T’  *FT’ |  F  (E) | id FIRST(E) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(F) = {(, id} FIRST(E') = {+, } FIRST(T') = {*, } FOLLOW(E) = FOLLOW(E') = {$, )} FOLLOW(T) = FOLLOW(T') = {+, $, )} FOLLOW(F) = {*, +, $, )} id + * ( ) $ E E  TE’ E’ E’  +TE’ E’   T T  FT’ T’ T’   T’  *FT’ F F  id F  (E) Is this grammar LL(1)? Yes, because each cell has only one production!

18 designing a top-down parser:
Dr. Mohammad Nassef designing a top-down parser: Steps: Elimination of Ambiguity Elimination of Left Recursion Left Factoring Drawing Transition Diagram (Optional) Applying First/Follow operators Building the Parsing Table Parse the given statements

19 LL(1) Parser – Example id + * ( ) $ E E  TE’ E’ E’  +TE’ E’   T
CS416 Compiler Design Fall 2003 LL(1) Parser – Example id + * ( ) $ E E  TE’ E’ E’  +TE’ E’   T T  FT’ T’ T’   T’  *FT’ F F  id F  (E) stack input output $E id+id$ E  TE’ $E’T id+id$ T  FT’ $E’ T’F id+id$ F  id $ E’ T’id id+id$ $ E’ T’ +id$ T’   $ E’ +id$ E’  +TE’ $ E’ T+ +id$ $ E’ T id$ T  FT’

20 LL(1) Parser – Example (Cont’d)
CS416 Compiler Design Fall 2003 LL(1) Parser – Example (Cont’d) id + * ( ) $ E E  TE’ E’ E’  +TE’ E’   T T  FT’ T’ T’   T’  *FT’ F F  id F  (E) stack input output $ E’ T id$ T  FT’ $ E’ T’ F id$ F  id $ E’ T’id id$ $ E’ T’ $ T’   $ E’ $ E’   $ $ accept

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