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Do Now: Be prepared to share

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1 Do Now: Be prepared to share
Maximizing Student Investment & Relationships Do Now: Be prepared to share Take 5 minutes to complete the Do-Now On your sticky tag write: Your Name Your character trait from question 1 The influential person from question 2 Vision %s from first part of question 3 OPENING

2 Oh, hey! It's ME! Laura Amling D.C. 09, Director of Classroom Culture
DC Sports Miami of Ohio Timely Halloween High Expectations (Introduce Yourself) Sharks TV

3 1.Relentlessness 2.Ms. Mcvick 3. 50% 50% My Sticky Tag

4 Grandma Gwen + Pa Heather Mooney How about you? My Trajectory


6 1 2 3 4 Agenda WHY: Do-now, welcome, opening, WHY are we here?
WHAT: Outcomes, Research, Steps to get the investment students deserve 3 HOW: Strategies, plans for each step 4 WHEN: Work Time, cClosing, Next Steps, On the Radar, Commitments Moving Forward


8 WHAT: Outcomes In this session you will be able to…. 1. analyze the traits and values that define your past and the role those play in your present and future 2. Share those traits and values and facilitate that same reflection process with students 3. use the information you’ve gathered from students and families to create an investment system that connects personal and academic achievement Leave with: -Action plan for gathering & learning about the strengths and hopes of students and families -Initial plan to roll out authentic investment

9 What: is trending… #Teachers only viewing themselves as academic teachers #Teachers believing they are not the leaders of culture, only content #Teacher& student relationships are surface level #Students are not investing in themselves #Hard ceiling to student relationships OPENING # #

10 WHAT: Does our Framework say?

11 WHAT: does the research say?
Focus has moved to academic growth based on increase in high stakes testing ECE & Elementary has been purposefully embedding personal growth into academics because of it’s impact on student achievement Can’t just stop in 5th grade, but must continue! A meta-analysis of 317 different studies (324,303 students) showed that students, on average, grew percentile points when their academic experience also included an emphasis on social and emotional learning. KEY CONCEPTS

12 WHAT: does the research say?
Many non-cognitive factors that impact a student’s academic performance KEY CONCEPTS

13 When students regulate themselves, they are invested in themselves
WHAT…Self Regulation Rubric When students regulate themselves, they are invested in themselves Regulated by Others (teacher, adult, family) Regulate themselves Regulate Peers Ultimate Goal

14 WHAT: Steps need to happen
Step 1: Reflect, model, share your investment with students Step 2: Getting to know students & families in an authentic way Step 3: Using this information to plan & execute toward your classroom culture vision ….to get to the ultimate goal of authentically investing students in themselves (academic mindsets) KEY CONCEPTS

15 1 2 3 4 Agenda WHY: Do-now, welcome, opening, WHY are we here?
WHAT: Outcomes, Research, Steps to get the investment students deserve 3 HOW: Strategies, plans for each step 4 WHEN: Work Time, Closing, Next Steps, On the Radar, Commitments Moving Forward


17 Step 1: Reflect, model, share your investment with students
The do-now was purposeful to prompt you to realize how deep you need to be thinking about yourself Model how to authentically share about yourself, so students can do the same you a more complete reflection guide to prep further Intro to High Expectations

18 Step 2: Getting to know students & families in an authentic way
Questions to answer?? How do I even invest students and plan for and facilitate their personal development if I don’t have the “right” information to go on to move forward in investing my students in themselves? I can’t just pick some character traits to push my class toward, because that isn’t being critically culturally competent ! Intro to High Expectations

19 Step 2: Getting to know students & families in an authentic way
Answer: Stories matter! if you plan for investment that isn’t authentic to the students you lead, then you will not reach your ideal % for educating the whole student. You need concrete strategies for gathering this information you need from your students and families to build the investment needed to lead students to invest in themselves Specifically ways to build relationships with students & families inside and outside the classroom Intro to High Expectations

20 Step 2: Getting to know students & families in an authentic way
Concrete Strategy for Inside the classroom: After you share your full reflection as a way of telling students more about you as a person, not just as an academic Lead students to complete the same sort of reflection you modeled for them Authentic and intentional way for you to get to know your students, and for them to get to know each other beyond that of a trendy ice-breaker Intro to High Expectations

21 Step 2: Getting to know students & families in an authentic way
Concrete Strategy for Outside the Classroom: Phone call home Family Survey Home visits Community events Back-to-school night, for families/influencers Student activities Parent drop off/pick up Intro to High Expectations

22 Work Time: Strengthen your strategies for building relationships to maximize getting the “right” information to inform your investment vision Create an action plan for inside and outside the classroom: How am I going to introduce my authentic self to students/families? Who am I going to call when? When am I sending home a family survey, what questions will it include? When and what am I doing in class to get to know students in an authentic way? OPENING

23 …now Step 3 OPENING

24 Step 3: Using this information to plan & execute toward your classroom culture visions
Questions to answer?? I have all the information I need, but now what? How do I plan and execute toward students being invested in themselves using their authentic stories knowing I have so many students?! Intro to High Expectations

25 Step 3: Using this information to plan & execute toward your classroom culture visions
Answer: Every class is different - every family is different - ever trait has it's own context It's unsustainable to create character traits for every class after analyzing everything - each class can't have it's own unique values Again, We also don't want to pick values because students are coming with lots of unique gifts, our job is to facilitate their growth on these existing strengths/traits that they already have So to accommodate for that….here are some strategies Intro to High Expectations

26 Best Practice Investment Review Investment Guidance One-Pager

27 Concrete Strategies for making this come alive for your students :
Step 3: Using this information to plan & execute toward your classroom culture visions Concrete Strategies for making this come alive for your students : Use best practices to create a system that rewards students for going above and beyond – behaviorally & academically Introduce that system to students Make a plan to purposefully incorporate the system into class each day (review handout together!) Intro to High Expectations

28 WHEN…Work Time Pretend you have the information you need to authentically plan for building student investment and vision Create a plan that is authentic to you, in how you are going to make student investment part of your everyday consistent routine (that highlights student voice!) Options: -Work independently -Work in groups -Teachers in a co-teaching relationship: collaborate together on a plan to influence and motivate their colleague to creating a concrete way of rolling out authentic student engagement OPENING

29 1 2 3 4 Agenda WHY: Do-now, welcome, opening, WHY are we here?
WHAT: Outcomes, Research, Steps to get the investment students deserve 3 HOW: Strategies, plans for each step 4 WHEN: Work Time, Closing, Next Steps, On the Radar, Commitments Moving Forward

30 What’s on the RADAR! October: Investment is rolled out…now what?
Reflecting and refining your culture vision to meet the needs of students to push toward a PUJC classroom! November: Using classroom culture surveys to get the culture info you need from students and families to adjust course January: Planning, executing and facilitating more student ownership through the lens of “dominant culture classroom” based on Gloria Ladson Billing’s book Dreamkeepers

31 Next Steps Share feedback about what I should keep doing, what I should change moving forward in my facilitation what you have so far of your action plan to your MTLD: Share how you are going to hold yourself accountable for teaching the “whole” student moving forward Share how you want them to hold you accountable? Share anything else you see fit! Complete the exit ticket so classroom culture sessions can best meet your needs moving forward

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