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Welcome PBIS Teams Opening Activity – Vacation Spots Discussion

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome PBIS Teams Opening Activity – Vacation Spots Discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome PBIS Teams Opening Activity – Vacation Spots Discussion
Share your biggest success of the year Share your biggest challenge of the year Share your most exciting summer vacation plans

2 Where We’ve Been Kick-Off (Common Areas, etc.) BOQ SET
Model Classrooms Internal Coach Counselors were given resources PREPARE Showcased their strengths (Poster Session)

3 Advanced PBIS Processes
School-Wide PBIS Best Practices In PBIS

4 (School-Wide Systems) (Student Identification)
PBIS Team Benchmarks of Quality (School-Wide Systems) (Classroom Systems) RTI Team BAT (Student Identification) (Interventions) Specialist BAT (FBA/BIP)


6 Plan Implement Evaluate Improve A Continuous Process

7 Four PBIS Elements Outcomes Data Systems Practices
Supporting Social Competence and Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making Outcomes Data Systems Practices There are four “elements” that the SW-PBS process focuses on when helping campuses to build and maintain their infrastructure. (The four elements of this slide should appear individually as clicked.) 1. The first thing that SW-PBS will help you identify are the OUTCOMES you desire as a campus that will SUPPORT SOCIAL COMPETENCE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT in your students. 2. Next we will look at three different things that affect those outcomes. We will look at your DATA to support the DECISIONS that the campus makes around which systems or practices need to be kept and which systems or practices need to be revised. The SW-PBS process uses multiple forms of data to help make campus decisions. Initial observation data (much like a “snap-shot”) Staff, Student, and Parent Surveys – under your principal’s direction, we will be ing links to online surveys that will gather information related to the perception of the campus climate and culture as well as the perception of safety of the students. Office discipline referral information Any other data that supports campus wide decision making 3. We will look at the SYSTEMS in place that will SUPPORT STAFF BEHAVIOR. For example; teaming structures, meeting times for collaboration, duty schedules, policy, procedures and expectations. 4. We will look at the PRACTICES that we have in place to SUPPORT STUDENT BEHAVIOR. For example; arrival and dismissal procedures, morning assemblies, announcements, school-wide expectations for behavior (walking to one side in the hallways), and amount of time for transition between classes. Together we will be looking at all four of these variables to help you create sustainable plans for campus behavior. Our goal is to help you “work smarter…not harder” Supporting Student Behavior Supporting Staff Behavior

8 How will we set up our team(s) to sustain the process?

9 Getting Results Anxiety Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Data
Resources Action Plan Evaluation Results Anxiety Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Evaluation Perception Data Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Evaluation Confusion Data Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan Evaluation Data Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Evaluation Gradual Change Team Time to analyze data for school year Data Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Evaluation Frustration Data Vision Skills Incentives Resources Evaluation False Starts Data Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Assumptions

10 Additional Data to Consider
Behavioral Incidents Student Attendance Teacher Attendance Survey Results for Staff, Students, and Parents Benchmarks of Quality (Revised) School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)

11 Data Summary How many students were enrolled at the end of the year? Total # of rerrals for the spring semester Total # of referrals for the year Total for Spring Semester: Total for : Which grade level had the most referrals? What are the top 5 reasons students were referred to the office? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which day of the week are most referrals happening?

12 What does our DATA say? Team

13 Classroom Management Benchmarks of Quality 42-48

14 5 Elements of Effective Classroom Management
Structure Teach Expectations (Routines, Procedures, etc.) Observe Interact (Positively) Correct (Calmly, Fluently, Briefly, ETC.)

15 What are the BASIC expectations for teachers in the area of classroom management?
What system do we use for classroom management? Is everyone expected to use the same system? How does a teacher request help with classroom management? Who currently has the primary responsibility for ensuring that teachers are skilled and supported in classroom management?

16 Barriers you feel are challenges to PBIS
3 Barriers you feel are challenges to PBIS 2 Questions you need answered about PBIS 1 Opinion of where your campus is on this journey

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