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RVCS—Honors World Geography

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1 RVCS—Honors World Geography
Creation RVCS—Honors World Geography

2 The Meaning of “Geography”
Geography—Comes from two Greek words: Geo—Earth/World Graphy—To write about Conclusion: Geography means to write about the earth/world

3 The World is “Good” (Genesis 1:31) “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” (1 Timothy 4:4 NASB) “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.” Note: This usage of “world” is different from “worldliness,” a synonym for sinful. Rather it is talking about the physical blessings that God has made for us to enjoy and be thankful for.

4 The Cultural Mandate (Genesis 1:28) “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” Fill/Subdue—A way to summarize this would be to say, “Make the earth an even better place.” Culture—The system of customs, traditions, and habits that a group of people use to make something of their world. [video]

5 Corrupt Cultures “You can’t spell culture without cult” – Mr. Wiley
Ironically, the English word comes from the Latin word that meant “tend or cultivate.” Thus, a culture is not necessarily bad, but depends on whether or not people within the “cult” (the group) are involved in good or bad deeds. Israel’s Calling (Deut. 4:5-8)—To be different from ungodly nations, but also “attractional” in their behavior. Principle of Evaluating Cultures—A culture is only corrupt by the way in which people “seize” it for their own sinful purposes Example 1: Nuclear reactors—(Good) Clean Energy (Bad) It can be used to kill innocent people Example 2: The Internet—(Good) Learning and connecting with others (Bad) Wasting time, pornography, gossiping, etc.

6 “Rant Time with Mr. Wiley” ©
[video] Christian Music—Literally 95% or more of modern- day worship songs can be played with the exact same four chords on the guitar and have the same musical pattern…every…single…time (vs-chorus-vs-chorus- bridge-chorus) Christian Movies—Can I get some gluten-free wheat thins for all of this cheese? Conclusion—Christians should seek to be excellent in the way they contribute to culture. Yes, we can sometimes be marginalized, but we need to do better (stop the madness!)…rant over ^ Why????

7 Environmentalism Christian Environmentalism—Believers should take care of the environment and make it useful and beautiful. Secular Environmentalism—Tends to focus on how people are “interrupting” the flow of nature. (and the future of the world is in our hands apparently…) [notice it’s rated PG for “mild” thematic elements] /vi /

8 Multiculturalism Multiculturalism—The promotion of multiple cultures under a locale Extreme View: All cultures are equally moral. Thus, people should accommodate the values of immigrants. Question: Are all cultures equal in morality? (e.g., sati in India) Test Case: the hijab

9 Geography & Missions in the N.T.
Change in Focus—No longer did nations have to come watch Israel to learn about God. Now, God’s people are to take the gospel to the nations, which includes all ethnic groups. Question: Should churches in foreign countries look and feel the same as churches in the U.S.?

10 Glorifying God in Work Textbook, pg. 7 (paragraph 2)

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