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Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/14/16 Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/14/16 Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/14/16 Agenda:
Today’s Do Now: List at least three methods of collecting/analyzing fingerprints. Finish Fingerprint Lab (analyze your superglue fuming prints and perform the silver nitrate method). Objective(s): SWBAT: Practice utilizing two methods of collecting and analyzing fingerprints (Superglue Fuming & Silver Nitrate) Assignments Due: Superglue Fuming and Silver Nitrate Fingerprint Lab DUE TODAY!

2 Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/15/16 Agenda:
Today’s Do Now: PUT ON GLOVES then go rinse off your Silver Nitrate test and complete your lab packet (5mins).<- write this as your do now question and answer. Be sure to write the objective down as well! Types of Blood – Notes - Antigens Objective(s): SWBAT: correctly identify different types of blood based on the diagrams within their notes Assignments Due: Superglue Fuming and Silver Nitrate Fingerprint Lab DUE TODAY

3 Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/16/16 Agenda:
Today’s Do Now: Scrambled Words BrainPop Blood Review Video Types of Blood – Notes Antibodies Bozeman Science Video Antibody Practice Sheet Objective(s): SWBAT: Correctly identify the antibodies present based on the presence of particular antigens. Assignments Due: Superglue Fuming and Silver Nitrate Fingerprint Lab – Now LATE Blood HW Vocab Chart – Due Today 11/16 Blood Antigens Practice Page – Due Today 11/16 Blood Antibody Practice Page – Due Tomorrow 11/17

4 Scrambled Words Daily CSI CSI Challenge Set #3
T. Trimpe

5 Unscramble each set of letters to reveal a forensic science term.
1. ginainvetosti 2. munilol 3. mitciv 4. curot 5. netdal corerd HINT: The underlined letters are the first letters of the words.

6 The answers are ... 1. ginainvetosti INVESTIGATION 2. munilol

7 Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/17/16 Agenda:
Today’s Do Now: Which blood antibodies would a person produce in their own plasma if their blood type is A- ? Blood Testing Lab Objective(s): SWBAT: Students will analyze synthetic blood samples by adding antisera and observing for agglutination to take place. Assignments Due: Superglue Fuming and Silver Nitrate Fingerprint Lab – Now LATE Blood HW Vocab Chart – Now LATE Blood Antigens Practice Page – Now LATE Blood Antibody Practice Page – Due Today

8 Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 11/18/16 Agenda:
Today’s Do Now: If you see agglutination for A and Rh, then what would be the person’s blood type be? Quiz Blood Testing Lab (finish!) Objective(s): SWBAT: Students will analyze synthetic blood samples by adding antisera and observing for agglutination to take place. Assignments Due: Superglue Fuming and Silver Nitrate Fingerprint Lab – Now LATE Blood HW Vocab Chart – Now LATE Blood Antigens Practice Page – Now LATE Blood Antibody Practice Page – Due Today

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