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BACK GR0UND of Nepali Traffic Education & Road Safety

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Presentation on theme: "BACK GR0UND of Nepali Traffic Education & Road Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 BACK GR0UND of Nepali Traffic Education & Road Safety
Welcome to Traffic Education & Road Safety of MOTHERLAND Nepal BY THARKA SEN, NRNA ip iccm uk BACK GR0UND of Nepali Traffic Education & Road Safety The history of Nepali Transportation (Traffic Education) is very long that it is almost like UK/Europe (not exactly how long) but so far it’s development is still in A-B-C-D level compared to most advance country like UK/Europe where is most safest, smooth and convenience transportation systems. This ABCD level means, its most slow, unsafe and inconvenience transportation systems for Tourism, Investors, Health wise, Finance and Education etc. we name it. If motherland Nepal doesn’t fix this massive transportation problems in near future, in another years time, it will be total Traffic dead lock in most of future smart city, what every one calls. At the moment, Nepal government is trying to do some thing but like a Llamaa Jhankri in method which is not helping to improve at all. As a result of all of this, motherland is left behind in every thing By most of advance country but as a true Nepali (NRN), we would like to see motherland Nepal as a best, bright, safe, clean, smooth and welcoming country in the world by fixing all of these problems. Its all possibility to provide them Traffic Education & Road Safety lesson and make nice & safe journey for every one by 2020 in motherland Nepal

2 BACK GR0UND of Nepali Traffic Education & Road Safety
The history of Nepali Transportation (Traffic Education) is very long that it is almost like UK/Europe (not exactly how long) but so far it’s development is still in A-B-C-D level compared to most advance country like UK/Europe where is most safest, smooth and convenience transportation systems. This ABCD level means, its most slow, unsafe and inconvenience transportation systems for Tourism, Investors, Health wise, Finance and Education etc. we name it. If motherland Nepal doesn’t fix this massive transportation problems in near future, in another years time, it will be total Traffic dead lock in most of future smart city, what every one calls. At the moment, Nepal government is trying to do some thing but like a Llamaa Jhankri in method which is not helping to improve at all. As a result of all of this, motherland is left behind in every thing By most of advance country but as a true Nepali (NRN), we would like to see motherland Nepal as a best, bright, safe, clean, smooth and welcoming country in the world by fixing all of these problems. Its all possibility to provide them Traffic Education & Road Safety lesson and make nice & safe journey for every one by 2020 in motherland Nepal

3 What is Traffic Education and Road safety
Traffic Education and Road safety is basic knowledge to Sharing Road and Risk by all Road Users to have nice, safe, smooth, quicker & convenience journey for every one for forever. See in picture

4 How it works and partnership 1
How it works and partnership  1. NRNA, Nepal Government & Road Users (Existing) 2. Creation (Research & Analysis) (Completed) by TE&RSoNepal under NRNA TF SKI. (avail Online Implement (Teach & Test)of competence in real live environment.(avail Online) (Nepal Govt/NRNA) Enforcement if not following as passed in Test of Competence. (by Nepal Govt/NRNA) 5. Encouragement for users to Sharing Road & Risk, advantage of Safe & Enjoyable Journey for every one for forever by 2020 in motherland Nepal which is way of convenience, confident & prosperity to all in every aspect of living. 6. Less Traffic Accident and Less Traffic Jams, means more time for every day for every things

5 How to prevent Traffic Accident and Jams Every Accident and Jam is preventable if learn from Best of Best and forget the Rest but it happens because of lack of knowledge, ignorance and Unknown reasons about Traffic Education and Road safety training & test. When it happens, it impacts directly to family, friends, relatives, business, organisation & prospective country. Therefore, reason of this project is to minimise all of above in near future.

6 What is Traffic Education and Road safety?
Traffic Education and Road safety is basic knowledge to Sharing Road and Risk by all Road Users to have nice, safe, smooth, quicker & convenience journey for every one for forever. See in picture

7 What is Universal Highway Codes for all Road users
How it works and partnership  1. NRNA, Nepal Government & Road Users (Existing) 2. Creation (Research & Analysis) (Completed) by TE&RSoNepal under NRNA TF SKI. (avail Online Implement (Teach & Test)of competence in real live environment.(avail Online) (Nepal Govt/NRNA) Enforcement if not following as passed in Test of Competence. (by Nepal Govt/NRNA) 5. Encouragement for users to Sharing Road & Risk, advantage of Safe & Enjoyable Journey for every one for forever by 2020 in motherland Nepal which is way of convenience, confident & prosperity to all in every aspect of living What is Universal Highway Codes for all Road users The Highway Code is for, how it's worded, and the consequences of not following the rules. The Highway Code is essential reading for all road users. The most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, particularly children, older or disabled people, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders. It is important that all road users are aware of the Code and are considerate towards each other. This applies to pedestrians as much as to drivers and riders.

8 1. Universal Communication between road users

9 Universal Road marking and sign

10 3. Priority & Position of Vehicle

11 Crossing & blocking path of other road User

12 Crossing & blocking path of other road User

13 One ways & Roundabout types

14 One ways & Roundabout types

15 One ways & Roundabout 2

16 One ways & Roundabout 3

17 One ways & Roundabout 3

18 Killer divider in Nepali Road

19 Sharing Road & Risk

20 Pedestrian crossing & types Refuse Island

21 Pedestrian crossing & types Zebra

22 Pedestrian crossing & types Pelicans & Puffin

23 Pedestrian Zones

24 Cycle lane

25 Bus lane

26 Bus loading & passenger safety

27 Universal Road Design & safety

28 Recovery of break down

29 Universal Rule of law & Know how ?

30 Universal Basic road safety The Traffic Education and Road Safety of all above subject in real live scenario for all road users is recommended until 85% scores and over if wanted to be safe when sharing Road & Risk

31 Universal Highway Code for all Road user

32 Thank you for listening Tharka Sen, A. D. I
Thank you for listening Tharka Sen, A.D.I.for B, CE, DE & PP Co-ord Traffic Education & Road Safety of Nepal NRNA IP ICC member UK

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