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Common types of publications

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1 Common types of publications
Journal articles Authored books Chapters in edited books

2 Parsing the “grammar” of references
Each reference is a paragraph. Each reference has four “sentences”: Author Publication date Title Publisher information

3 Find the 4 “sentences” Kozulin, A. (1990). Vygotsky's psychology: A biography of ideas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Author Publication date Title Publisher information

4 What kind of a reference is this?
Gillen, J. (2000). Versions of Vygotsky. British Journal of Educational Studies, 48(2), How did you know?

5 What kind of a reference is this?
Kozulin, A. (1990). Vygotsky's psychology: A biography of ideas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. How did you know?

6 What kind of a reference is this?
Guba, E., & Lincoln, Y. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp ). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. How did you know?

7 Let’s try some examples
Look through the sample reference list handout. Identify examples of several different types of references. Identify the “sentences” within each type of reference. Identify a pattern for what must go within each sentence for each type of reference.

8 How to use your APA manual
Chapter 6: In-text citations (pp ) Information about reference list (pp ) READ THIS! Chapter 7: Reference examples Periodicals, including journal articles (pp ) Books & book chapters (pp ) See examples #1-3, 18, 25 for most common formats. Not sure? Check

9 Let’s look some things up
Find an example from chapter 7 that gives you the answer to these questions: Journal article. Two authors. Is there a comma separating their names? Book chapter. Two book editors. Is there a comma between the editors’ names? When do you use (Ed.) and when do you use (ed.)? An author has two initials. Is there a space between them? Where do the initials of a book editor go? Before or after the editor’s last name?

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