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Hormonal coordination

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Presentation on theme: "Hormonal coordination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hormonal coordination
~ endocrine system

2 Endocrine system Endocrine system is composed by ductless glands called endocrine glands. The endocrine glands secrete chemical messengers called hormones. Hormones diffuse into the blood directly. Hormones are specific and work on the target organs only.

3 Feedback mechanism : insulin
Normal blood glucose level ==>After a meal ==> too high ==> Pancreas secrets insulin ==> Glucose level fall ==> Normal level

4 Feedback mechanism : insulin
Normal blood glucose level ==>Long time after a meal ==>too low ==> Pancreas secrets less insulin ==> Glucose level rises ==> Normal level

5 Feedback mechanism : insulin
Glucose level in blood is controlled by insulin. Insulin is secreted from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. For rise glucose level: insulin diffuse to liver and stimulates it to convert surplus glucose into glycogen. Glycogen store in liver. For lower glucose level: stop secretion or secrete less insulin, and then liver converts glycogen into glucose. Diabetes mellitus is disease which failure to produce enough insulin.

6 General effects of sex hormones
Female sex hormones: Product in overies (in Female) Location : in the abdominal cavity

7 Functions of female sex hormones
1) control sexual development -- Menstruation -- Ovulation 2) development of the female secondary sexual characteristics.

8 General effects of sex hormones
Male sex hormones: Product in testes ( in Male) Location : in the scrotal sac

9 Functions of male sex hormones
Development of the male secondary sexual characteristics.

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