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Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs Workshop Overview

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1 Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs Workshop Overview
28 February, 2011 Pretoria, South Africa

2 Welcome & Introductions & Expectations

3 Workshop Goals Reinforce the capacity of participants knowledge of state-of-the-art tools and techniques for monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS programs To build and practice new skills by developing M&E plans

4 Workshop Objectives Identify decisions related to HIV/AIDS programs that can be informed by M&E information Formulate questions that need to be answered in order to make informed decisions Understand and construct frameworks for conceptualizing the factors that influence the success of programs in reaching their goals and logically explaining how program activities contribute to its objective

5 Workshop Objectives (2)
Develop realistic and targeted goals and objectives Understand and be able to select indicators appropriate for a given country/program Understand information systems and flow of data Disseminate and use M&E information strategically Understand how to operationalize/implement M&E plans

6 Workshop Curriculum Designing and Implementing an M&E Plan
Evaluation Frameworks Selecting and Calculating Indicators Data Sources and Data Systems Understanding Impact Evaluation Dissemination of M&E results M&E of specific HIV Program Areas Field Trip- Group presentations

7 Hands-on practice Participants will form small groups of 5-6 people
Over the course of the workshop, each group will develop an M&E plan for a HIV/AIDS program intervention Topics are suggested, or your group may choose its own topic First week of workshop will cover each step of M&E plan development – framework, indicators, data sources, etc. Presentation of plans by each group on last day

8 Field Trip A field trip to visit local HIV/AIDS programs to observe M&E in action Selected sites: Kalafong Hospital Tshwane District Hospital

9 Exam and Presentations
Important to have a formal assessment of knowledge and skills Determine if learning objectives being achieved Formative and summative

10 Formative-20 % Attendance Punctuality Participation in class
Participation in group work

11 Individual assessment-
Summative- Individual assessment- 40 % of total marks Class test Multiple choice questions Scheduled for Saturday 6th March 2010 Scope Mainly principles Sessions covered from Monday to Saturday Group assessment 40 % of total marks Group presentation of M&E plan

12 Workshop evaluation Daily feedback to be collected on content, pace, and appropriateness of workshop curriculum, and how it fits participant needs Please help us evaluate constructively, so that future workshops can be improved.

13 Facilitators University of Pretoria USAID UNAIDS Guest Lecturers

14 Review Agenda Questions?

15 Ground Rules

16 There are no enemies in M&E!

17 Visit us online at
MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through Cooperative Agreement GPO-A and is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina in partnership with Futures Group, John Snow, Inc., ORC Macro International, and Tulane University. Visit us online at

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