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Chapter 16 answers to study guide

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1 Chapter 16 answers to study guide

2 What happens in your larynx when you speak or sing?
It vibrates because you are forcing air through your vocal cords. What is the difference between infrasound and ultrasound? Infrasounds are frequencies below the range of human hearing and ultrasound are those above

3 What three things determine the speed of sound?
Elasticity, temperature, and density How is the intensity of sound determined? By the amount of energy the wave carries per second through the unit area

4 What are acoustics? The study of the science of sound and how it interacts with the environment. What does the pitch of a sound depend on? Frequency of the sound wave What is the interference of sound waves? The interaction of sound waves when they meet

5 Sonar, echolocation, and ultrasound imaging are all applications of _________.
Echoes/reflection Name three things that can cause hearing loss. Aging, injury to the ear drum, prolonged infections, and long term exposure to loud noises

6 What is sound? A vibration/disturbance that travels through a medium as a longitudinal wave. What causes resonance? When the frequency of one object’s sound wave causes another object to vibrate at its natural frequency .

7 Where is the cochlea located specifically in the ear?
It is located in the inner ear. Its job is to change the sound waves into signals that are sent as messages to your brain. Through which medium will sound travel through more quickly and why? Solids because of the particles are tightly packed together.

8 What is the difference between noise and music?
Music is a sound with a pleasing tone quality and pitch. It has a regular repeating pattern. Noise is sound produced by irregular vibration Which would produce a lower pitch, a small drum or a large drum? A large drum

9 What does a sonar device measure?
It measures the time it takes a sound wave to bounce off an object and return to the device. Why do we say that an echo is a reflected sound wave? Because it bounces off of an object and returns What is the Doppler Effect? A change in frequency of a sound wave as its source moves in relation to the observer.

10 Name the parts of the outer ear and what the function of each is.
Ear canal(collects sound waves) and the ear drum (vibrates as the sound waves hit)

11 Name the parts of the middle ear and what the function of each is.
Three small bones called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The hammer transmits vibrations to the anvil and then to the stirrup.

12 Name the parts of the inner ear and what the function of each is.
The cochlea receives vibrations from the stirrup which causes tiny hair like cells to move. This causes messages to be sent from the auditory nerve to the brain to interpret what you are hearing.

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