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Bell Ringer List two positive aspects of the Electoral College  List two negative aspects of the Electoral College 

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer List two positive aspects of the Electoral College  List two negative aspects of the Electoral College "— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer List two positive aspects of the Electoral College  List two negative aspects of the Electoral College 

2 Powers of the American President
Directions: Read through excerpts from the Constitution Circle any powers that are stated Answer questions below Do not worry about back of worksheet…yet

3 Types of powers Formal Powers = those that are found in Article II of the Constitution Informal Powers = powers that are not explicitly written in the constitution Occurred due to custom/tradition or historical circumstance Informal powers EXPAND the power of our Presidency

4 Legislative Powers

5 Legislative Powers: Powers to recommend legislation
State of the Union Address Convene both houses of Congress Influence of laws: Veto Pocket Veto Line-item Veto Signing into law

6 Executive Powers

7 Executive Powers: Powers to run the Executive Branch
The Ordinance Powers: Power to issue orders Executive order May issue“commands” or “orders” Used to run Executive Branch “Faithfully execute” the laws Appointment Power Federal Judges Heads of Agencies Ambassadors The Removal Power No approval needed Only applies to appointees within Executive Branch No elected officials

8 Judicial Powers

9 Judicial Powers: Powers to influence laws
Powers of Clemency: Mercy or Leniency Powers Reprieve: To delay the punishment/sentence of convicted Pardon: To forgive crime and cancel penalty (EXCEPT IMPEACHMENT) Commutation: To reduce penalties (sentences) Amnesty: Pardon/forgiveness for offense, especially political

10 Diplomatic Powers

11 Diplomatic Powers: Powers to influence foreign policy
Powers of Making Treaties: formal agreements between two nations Confers with Secretary of State Senate Approval: 2/3 approval Executive Agreements: agreement between President and head of nation Powers of Recognition: Acknowledges legal existence of country Recognizing Nations Receive Ambassadors Spokesperson for U.S.

12 Military Powers

13 Military Powers: Powers over the military
Commander in Chief: Chief of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines Formal Declaration of War: Comes from Congress State Militias: Ability to call when needed War Powers Resolution: 1973 Vietnam War Provisions- Within 48 hours after committing forces to combat, Prez. must report to Congress Forces in combat must end in 60 days (unless agreed to longer) Congress can end session at any time

14 Bell Ringer List all of the Powers of the President…
Which do you believe to be the most important? Why?

15 Analyzing Political Cartoons
Five Elements of a Political Cartoon Symbols Exaggeration Irony Captioning/Labeling Analogy Due: March 2nd (B) March 3rd (A)

16 Symbolism- Using an object to stand for an idea

17 Exaggeration-overstating or magnifying a problem, physical feature, or habit

18 Irony- the difference between the way things are and the way things should be (or the way things are expected to be)

19 Captioning and Labels- Used for clarity and emphasis

20 Analogy- a comparison between two unlike things that share some characteristics

21 What Elements are we Using?
Symbols Exaggerations Irony Captioning analogy

22 Happy Day after the Republican primary day!
Bell Ringer In what way do you think the presidency has grown the most? Do you believe this is a good or bad thing? Explain why.

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