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Role-Play Purpose Target Audience

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Presentation on theme: "Role-Play Purpose Target Audience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Role-Play Purpose Target Audience
Dodgy Dozen Role-Play Purpose Target Audience

2 Role-play – A means of exploring a…………… and b…………

3 Participants use S……………..I………………… to create the drama.

4 Role-play has no pre-determined course or outcome. It is O…….. E……….

5 The situation being explored is sometimes called the S………

6 Sometimes an actor might be given an o…………. l…
Sometimes an actor might be given an o…………. l…., to start the role-play. 5

7 Name 5 purposes of drama 6

8 What is the purpose of the stepmother in Snow White?

9 What is the purpose of Jack and Jill in the Letterbox

10 Key moments, events, scenes or characters can be described as the F…
Key moments, events, scenes or characters can be described as the F….. of a drama. 9

11 Describe the Target Audience of the Fast and Furious films.

12 Describe the Target Audience of the My Little Pony Movie

13 Answers 1 Attitudes and beliefs. 2 Spontaneous Improvisation
3 Open Ended 4 Scenario 5 Opening line 6 Communicate a message. Entertain Tell a Story Educate Explore A theme or Issue. Explore an experience. 7 Kill Snow White 8 Ignore Martha’s abuse.

14 Answers 9 Focus 10 Males – Teenage- Twenties.
11 Females – Nursery & Primary Age. Out of 15 12-15 Credit 9 – 11 General 7-8 Foundation Less than 7 FAIL - REFERRAL

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