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Miss the top two lines and…

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1 Miss the top two lines and…
List as many reasons as you can why the Last Supper is so important to Christians.

2 3.2 Why the Last supper is important for Christians today
Describe the different beliefs about the last supper Why do different Christians hold these beliefs? What are the problems that come from these different beliefs? What is your opinion?

3 3.2 Why the Last supper is important for Christians today
Read pages 66-67 According to St Paul, why is the Last Supper important? Why is the last supper important for Christians today? (8) Roman Catholic Mass What is the service a celebration of? What symbols of Jesus sacrifice are present? What is transubstantiation? Protestant Communion What is Martin Luther and John Calvin’s view (? What is Zwingli’s view What do Quakers believe about Mass? “the last supper is irrelevant for Christians today” Do you agree? (3) Why would some disagree with you? (3) What are the reasons for celebrating the last supper? (5) Why are there different attitudes to the Last supper amongst Christians today? (8) bullet points Do you think it is important for al Christians to believe exactly the same about this service, or does it not matter?


5 Why are there different attitudes?
Transubstantiation- Catholic view- Bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ Lutheran- Jesus is present- but no change in bread and wine Calvinist- Jesus is present in a spiritual way only Zwingli- Just a symbol

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