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Updates to Preliminary and Final Exam Processes

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1 Updates to Preliminary and Final Exam Processes
Graduate Advisor Brown Bag April 25, 2017 Updates to Preliminary and Final Exam Processes

2 Preliminary Exam Updates
The Graduate Catalog contains updates to the Preliminary Examination Process for doctoral students. Collaborative Effort Feedback from GOC Deans and respective GICs Focus on simplifying and allowing flexibility for various disciplines

3 Preliminary Exam Updates
Summary of Changes to Catalog Timing of the Preliminary Exam: Language changed from strongly encouraged to should in regards to the timing, “no later than the end of the semester following the completion of the formal coursework on the degree plan.” Page 1 Timing of 14-week span between prelim and final exam removed. Page 1

4 Preliminary Exam Updates
Summary of Changes to Catalog Format of the Preliminary Exam: Added 3rd objective Page 1, C. Language has been modified to clearly state that the exam can consist of a written component, oral component, or combination of written and oral components. Page 1

5 Preliminary Exam Updates
Summary of Changes to Catalog Scheduling of the Preliminary Exam: Removed 90 day requirement from “An approved degree plan is on file with the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies prior to commencing the first component of the examination.” Page 2, second bullet

6 Preliminary Exam Updates
Summary of Changes to Catalog Examination Committee for Preliminary Exam: Language broadened for who can administer the exam, per input from Education. This does not change the format of the Report of Preliminary Exam. Page 1

7 Preliminary Exam Updates
Summary of Changes to Catalog Retake of Failed Preliminary Examination: Minor updates to language, no adjustments to timing. Page 3 Guidelines for communicating a failed preliminary examination Instructions to the committee on providing feedback on inadequacies and expectations for a retake.

8 Preliminary Exam Updates
Changes to the Checklist Removed checklist items related to English Language Proficiency. Removed checklist item related to the time span between written and oral components.

9 Preliminary Exam Updates
Changes to the Form Updated language to match catalog in regards to objectives of the exam. Updated language to match catalog in regards to re-examination. Adding clear designation for signatures as well as space to type or print committee names.

10 Final Exam Updates Doctoral Final Exam Catalog Updates:
Admission to Candidacy requirements are re-stated in final exam language. Language regarding completed coursework updated to match recent revisions to Student Rule Requirements for English Language Proficiency removed (now required at point of admission). Updated language and instructions on Report of Final Examination.

11 Final Exam Updates Masters Final Exam Catalog Updates:
Requirements for English Language Proficiency removed (now required at point of admission). Updated language and instructions on Report of Final Examination.

12 Final Exam Updates Important Reminders for Final Exam Forms:
All signatures must be original, no electronic signatures are accepted. Multiple forms are acceptable if necessary to obtain original signatures. Please submit all forms together for processing. Final Exam forms should always be turned in by a departmental representative, not the student.

13 Research Proposal Forms
This form is currently under revision, and will be released soon. The new form will: Display verification of regulatory compliance information in a new format, with additional fields Clearly state that both the committee names and signatures are required Have additional space for student and committee chair contact information. Encourage students to submit the research proposal as soon as they are able. It is ideal if it can be submitted at least one semester prior to the anticipated graduation semester.

14 ELP Updates No news on ELI for fall 2017 as of today.
ELP verification is being checked and required at the point of admission. OGAPS can review requests for Alternative Verification prior to Admission Updated Forms Coming

15 Questions? The Office of Graduate and Professional Studies or Rachel Krolczyk Russell Ramirez

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