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Safe Stadi-project - Safe Helsinki for all!

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Presentation on theme: "Safe Stadi-project - Safe Helsinki for all!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe Stadi-project - Safe Helsinki for all!
07/ /2017 City of Helsinki, Youth services

2 Background and actions
The need for this project has risen from confronting Finnish and foreign born population - at least in the rhetoric of social media Helsinki City board is funding different actions for e.g.refugees and immigrant people In Helsinki in -> Safe Stadi (meaning a safe Helsinki city) project’s principle is to make sure foreign born youth and young refugees are included in society and feel safe; as well as all others Work is conducted in the network of Helsinki’s Youth services, City’s Safety and Preparedness Unit, police, reception centers, non-governmental organizations, social services … Three main co-operational institutions: two NGOs: Monik ry and Kalliolan Nuoret ry and an enterprise Ellun Kanat oy

3 Main targets of the project
- To make contact with foreign born youth and make services in Helsinki more accessible for them - To address the growing hate speech with facts - Make the human face of immigration more visible - By recruiting youth workers from different ethnic backgrounds making an example of co-operation between ethnic groups - Improving the feeling of security in target areas of the city - Making the role of the police more clear for young refugees and youth with migrant background - Improving the relationship between migrant youth and police

4 Youth department’s work outreach/street work
Youth department’s role is - to coordinate the work of the project - to address the growing hate speech with facts and make the human face of immigration more visible - conduct the outreach/street youth work Outreach includes anything from group or individual counselling to encouraging and guiding to find hobbies In the street work target areas include shopping centers, public sport facilities and other places where young people gather around. The work is conducted in groups or pairs, and it will reactive, moving where it is needed Question arising of outreach work in the streets: an important role of the youth worker being: An person who understands A person in between youth and police (and security officers) In the public spaces A helper who is “a good guy” for the youth A bridge to free time activities, finding a place in the Finnish language course, finding the social services if needed, finding a summer job etc

5 Did you get interested? Please, contact: Project manager Minna Sirviö Planning officer Sini Perho

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