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Sharing What Works Casey County High School

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1 Sharing What Works Casey County High School
Josh Blevins Susan Stringer

2 Casey County High School
Time: 20 minutes

3 Casey County High School
Casey County is a rural low-income community in south central Kentucky that has been designated as a “distressed community” by the Appalachian Center at the University of Kentucky. Generations of school-age parenting, failure to complete high school, lack of employability skills, few jobs with living wages, and welfare dependency have created conditions of disadvantage and inequity for many Casey County children and families. The 2008 ranking on the Kids Count Child Well-Being composite placed Casey County 96th out of the state’s 120 counties.

4 Casey County High School
Casey County High School is located in Liberty, Kentucky. With a student population of 687 and a free and reduced lunch rate of approximately 70%. Casey County High is the only high school in the county. In 2008, the district’s Educational Needs Index (ENI) was the 97th highest among Kentucky’s 120 counties (Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education).

5 48.5% of population ages are functionally illiterate (literacy levels I or II) [Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education] 15.2 % of population ages are not enrolled in school and not working (Kentucky Kids Count Census Data) 24.7% of population ages are high school dropouts (Kentucky Kids Count Census Data) 40.8% of population ages are not high school graduates (Kentucky Kids Count Census Data) 42.6% of adult population has neither a high school diploma or a GED Certificate as compared to a state rate of 25.9% and national rate of 19.6% (Kentucky Postsecondary Education Profile )

6 Median Family Income $21,580 versus state median family income of $33,672 (Kentucky Postsecondary Education Profile ) Death rate from Lung and Bronchial Cancer is (Ky. rate – National rate – 55.0) per 100,000 population [] (16) Prevalence of diabetes – 16% (Ky. rate – 9% USA rate – 7%) [] (2560) 38% of students ages live below poverty level (Ky. Kids Count) 16% of students below age 18 live below 50% of poverty level (Ky. Kids Count)

7 Our Journey



10 Graduating Class of Graduating Class of



13 Algebra 2 EOC


15 KPREP Math Results for Casey Co. HS 2007 26. 99% P/D 2008 36
KPREP Math Results for Casey Co. HS % P/D % P/D % P/D % P/D % P/D

16 ACT & PLAN Data Casey Co. HS

17 What track do our students take?
Standard Pre-College STEM Algebra I (9th) Geometry (10th) Algebra 1.5 (11th) Algebra II (12th) Algebra I (8th or 9th) Geometry (9th or 10th) Algebra II (10th or 11th) Precalculus (11th or 12th) Statistics (or Cal AB – 12th) Algebra I (7th) Geometry (8th) Algebra II (9th) Precalculus (10th) Calculus AB (11th) Calculus BC (12th) Agree upon your norms for this meeting and other follow up sessions 20 minutes for Norms, Goals, and Targets

18 Who has to be involved to make a program successful
#1 Student #2 Teachers #3 Department #4 Administration #5 Parents #6 Site Based Council  

19 Dual Credit Program & AP
Students can leave with 16 college hours in math alone!!! After watching the video, handout mathematical practice table from “The Common Core Mathematics Standards”. Ask teachers to identify the practices they see in the video. Come back to their original thoughts on the cognitive level of the lesson. Discuss student engagement and touch on questioning strategies from the video. The reflection questions on the DVD focus on the Activity, the teacher, the students,and the learning environment. We may be able to divide/jigsaw the questions. For example, select one or two teachers to answer questions about the activity, one or two to answer questions concerning the teacher behaviors, and etc. Then share out and discuss. I’ll type the questions on another sheet

20 Technology & Support Document Cameras LCD Projectors
Nspire Handhelds & Navigator System Gear-up Support iPads & Doceri Same thing here. Jigsaw would be good. I’ll type the questions on a word document.

21 A Glimpse of My Classroom





26 Daily Formative Assessment & Periodic Formative/Summative Assessment
Automaticity (timed) Quick Quads (timed) Daily Assessment (over homework/previous day) Learning Targets Think/Pair/Share, Marker Boards, Cards, TPTs Planned Questioning – raising the DOK Math Tools (Thoughtful Classroom) Learning Checks Test Corrections/Reflections Cumulative Assessments & Re-takes Files with Jennifer’s examples… then file’s with Susan’s examples.

27 Classroom changes Talk Partners Strategic Grouping Strategies
Mindset Reminders Multiple math tools & strategies Formative Assessments (intentional, thoughtful, and consistent – “testing ‘all day, every day’”) NAGS Test Corrections/Reflections/Re-testing targets

28 Departmental Changes made the past eight years
Resources from ATP program (PIMSER) Common planning Release Time Common assessments Quick Quads Three week ACT/PLAN learning checks & analysis Department chair – one department planning period to prepare assessments for department ACT benchmark assessments (3 per year) MAP & KAPLAN – along with analysis NAGS Rule



31 Common Assessment Analysis



34 MAP Scoring, ACT scoring and EOC scoring documents.

35 ACT Prep Course & Alg 1.5 Unit 1 Measuring Segments Unit 2
Unit 1 - Basic Operations Unit 2 - Linear Unit 3 - Solving Systems Unit 4 - Exponents Unit 5 - Patterns Unit 6 - Polynomials Unit 7 - Circles Unit 8 - Trigonometry Unit 9 - Linear Inequalities and Systems Unit 10 - Quadratics Unit 1 Measuring Segments Unit 2 Angle Pairs and Lines Unit 3 Midpoint and Distance Unit 4 Parallel lines, triangles, and polygons Unit 5 Triangles Unit 6 Perimeter, Area, and Volume

36 What about Algebra 2 content???
Linear Functions Linear Systems and Linear Inequalities Systems Quadratic Functions Polynomial Functions Radical Functions Exponential & Logarithmic Functions Rational Functions Conics Probability, Matrices, & Trigonometry

37 EOC Test Blueprint



40 Standards for Mathematical Practice

41 Growth Mind Set Students are more willing to try if they know it’s okay to make mistakes. Teachers remind students that their mindset contributes to their success. Craftsmanship Consciousness Flexibility Interdependence Efficacy

42 Engaging Activities FALS (Classroom Challenges) Stations Integer Cards
Total Participation Techniques NCTM Essential Understanding Series

43 Talk Partners Students grow as a unit, use each other as a resource, and learn to communicate mathematically. Teachers remind students they have a partner (interdependence) and students take charge of their own learning. Typically isolated students make friends and become more social. Students are more focused and engaged.

44 Success Criteria Movement from “I can” to “We are learning to.”
Step by step procedures to ensure student success. Students’ mathematical thinking processes are improving.

45 Effective Questioning
More higher order questions are being posed. Teachers are making use of “wait time.” Making sense of the answers. Students are thinking and defending their answers. Students are identifying their own misconceptions and correcting their mistakes.

46 Feedback Allow students to correct their work and make comments.
With immediate feedback, students are making improvements during the process of learning… not “after the fact.” Students are asked to find their mistakes and correct their work, without knowing where the mistake is. Use the document camera to randomly display a student’s work and have the group critique the work.

47 Learning Climate Students are thinking more critically in mathematics.
Students have a more positive attitude (mindset). Students have a mutual respect for their classmates. Students aren’t afraid to ask questions.

48 A Glimpse of our Math Students

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