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BLAW 202 – Introduction Dr. Robynn Allveri

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Presentation on theme: "BLAW 202 – Introduction Dr. Robynn Allveri"— Presentation transcript:

1 BLAW 202 – Introduction Dr. Robynn Allveri
B.A. (Political Science) - University of Arizona , Tucson J.D. (Law)- Southern Methodist University, Dallas * Practiced U.S. immigration law for 10+ years * Teaching law at various universities for 7 years * Former faculty member of SDSU and UC-San Diego Teaching experience: 1) Business Law, 2) Property Law, 3) Immigration Law, and 4) Federal Court Procedures

2 7/2/2018 Syllabus The Syllabus defines what’s expected from the instructor and the students Check the Syllabus regularly! - Schedule of Topics - Grading/Exam Information - Contact Information - Class/KU Policies 2

3 Supplemental Handouts
They will be provided periodically. Why? - To give you better understanding of the topics presented. Next class: We’ll briefly discuss ideas presented by Michiavelli, Hobbes, & Aquinas (re: law, morality & justice)

4 Topics for Weeks 1-2: I. Law as Social Order (today)
II. Law as Justice (Wednesday) III. Sources of Turkish Law (next week) IV. World Legal Systems (next week)

5 I. Law as Social Order A. What is Law? B. Law and Morality?
1. Where do laws come from? 2. How are law and order related? B. Law and Morality? 1. What is morality (or a “moral” person)? 2. Can a person be moral if he/she does not obey the law?

6 II. Law as Justice (next time)
A. Michiavelli B. Hobbes C. Aquinas D. Judgment at Nuremberg (video clip)

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