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Region 5 Branch Officer Training

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1 Region 5 Branch Officer Training

2 SIR Region 5 Branch Officer Training October 22, 2015
Agenda SIR Region 5 Branch Officer Training October 22, 2015 Time Item Presenter 8:30am Check-In 9:00am Call to Order, Pledge, Song Fox 9:10am Introductions Fox 9:15am SIR Vision & Future Dill 9:30am Info Sources (SLG, State Website, etc.) Steichen 9:40am Why Form 27 and Form 28 Important Steichen 10:00am BREAK All 10:10am RAMP (6 Videos with workbook) Steichen Survey of Growth; Publicity; Activities; Member Relations; Leader Recruitment; Goals 11:40am Overview of Website Steichen 12:00pm LUNCH All 1:00pm Branch Officers Overview Steichen 1:20pm Branch Officer Break-Out Sessions All 2:30pm Closing Thoughts/Comments All 3:00pm Adjourn

3 2016 President Elect Don Dill

4 SIR 2016 Objectives Reverse membership loss and have a net increase for 2016 Putting the pieces in place! RAMP, Training and Motivation Create a Culture where Branch volunteers want to assume State Officer positions. Project 2016 Leadership, motivation and creating simple systems Simplify! Rules, programs, forms and Internet Use Training and Our Vision Don Dill, President 2016

5 Don’t Be a Wait – and – See BEC

6 Where to Find The Answers

7 Reference Resources SIR Leaders Guide SIR Website
DVD - docs organized by Office RAMP Workbook Officer Talking Points Document

8 Two Key Forms

9 Why Form 27 is Important SIR Training 2016 Title Page


11 Blank Form 27 – Start with a new one each year.

12 BECAUSE Form 27 tracks your Membership change!
Why should you care? So you know what is happening with your membership So you can take action if membership declines So you can track the results of recruiting or other decisions you make that affects Branch membership So you have some idea where the changes are coming from (new, transfers, deceased, resigned, inactive, etc.) So you can track and monitor inactive members So you can track progress toward membership and recruiting goals So you can track new applicants – joining or not

13 BECAUSE Form 27 tracks your Attendance change!
Why should you care? So you know what is happening with your Luncheon attendance So you can take action if attendance declines So you can track the results of decisions you make that affects Luncheon attendance So you have some idea the effect guests have on membership So you can track progress toward attendance and guest goals So you can order enough meals for members, guests & visitors

14 Branch Financial Report Monthly
Form 28 Branch Financial Report Monthly


16 Why is it important? California and Federal Tax Reporting – necessary to keep Non-Profit Tax status. Branch Fiscal responsibility - it’s your member’s money after all Monitor Branch income and expenses Manage Branch finances Assist in Branch Budgeting Fiscal Transparency


18 RAMP Toolkit Workbook Table of Contents Section Topic
Table of Contents Section Topic 1 Growing our Branches 2 Self-Assessing our Branch 3 Recruiting and Publicity 4 Member Relations 5 Selecting our Leaders 6 Setting our Goals

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