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Tell us plainly if you are the Christ John 10:22-42.

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2 Tell us plainly if you are the Christ John 10:22-42

3 “tell us plainly, if you are the Christ”
John 10:22-42 “tell us plainly, if you are the Christ” Before He claims, He explains

4 What it means to be the Christ:
NOT a revolutionary, though He is NOT an earthly king, though He is

5 What it means to be the Christ:
NOT a revolutionary, though He is NOT an earthly king, though He is What is the Christ to you? Relief or Relation? Solution or Saviour?

6 What it means to be the Christ:
Sufficient Saviour (25-28) “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

7 What it means to be the Christ:
Sufficient Saviour (25-28) “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” The Sheep are: Summoned Gifted Secured [B. Milne]

8 What it means to be the Christ:
Sufficient Saviour (25-28) Jesus the Christ: He is adamantly Sufficient to save you This calls for gratefulness and humility

9 What it means to be the Christ:
Loving LORD (29-38) (30,38) I and the Father are one… the Father is in me and I am in the Father

10 What it means to be the Christ:
Loving LORD (29-38) (30,38) I and the Father are one… the Father is in me and I am in the Father He doesn’t retract He actually presses the point further

11 What it means to be the Christ:
Loving LORD (29-38) (30,38) I and the Father are one… the Father is in me and I am in the Father He doesn’t retract He actually presses the point further Besides His own claims, these all honour Jesus as God: Col 1, Rom 9, Heb 1, Tit 2, Isa 7, 9, Jer 23

12 What it means to be the Christ:
Loving LORD (29-38) Jesus the Christ: He is The Lord This calls for worshipping Him in Holy Heaviness

13 Tell us plainly if you are the Christ…
“Are you the Christ?” “Yes, I am the Sufficient Saviour and Loving Lord”

14 These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, you may have life in His name.

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