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Aggression Replacement Training (ART)

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1 Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
Session 9

2 Review Why should you learn how to appropriately Deal with an Accusation? What are the two types of Self Evaluation statements? Share your skillstreaming worksheet for “Dealing with an Accusation” Share a hassle log.

3 Moral Reasoning Group Guidelines
1. Never put down or threaten anyone. 2. Listen to what others have to say. 3. If you criticize another group member, give that person a chance to answer. 4. Stay on the subject when you disagree. 5.Never talk to anyone outside the group about what is said in the group.

4 Skillstreaming (Social Skills)
Social Skills are the skills we use when we deal with other people. Good social skills help us get what we want: maximizing the positive response and minimizing the negative response from other people.

5 Keeping Out of Fights-Definition
Resolving a conflict without using verbal or physical aggression.

6 Keeping Out of Fights 1. Stop and think about why you want to fight.
2. Decide what you want to happen in the long run. 3. Think about other ways to handle the situation besides fighting. 4. Decide on the best way to handle the situation and do it.

7 Homework Complete a skillstreaming worksheet on the skillstreaming skill: Keeping Out of Fights

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