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Welcome and Overview 2017 February DAC Meetings.

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2 Welcome and Overview 2017 February DAC Meetings

3 Hot Topics Science Statewide Summative Field Test
Science Through Course Tasks KYOTE Alternate Assessment Career Readiness Data Quality KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

5 KYOTE Participating Schools
Increased number of schools participating If participating, register immediately Valuable resources User Guide (Update in Feb.) Trainings available at the KYOTE’s webpage on KDE’s website KYOTE Home Page: KDE KYOTE Page: The addition of Chromebooks for compatibility with KYOTE was added in late December 2016. Chromebooks may be used on all exams. KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

6 KYOTE Writing KYOTE Writing Exam Scorers at Participating Schools
Prepare to score exams More than one scorer needed per school Six hours of PD Credit awarded from KYOTE Exam Scoring Each exam scored twice. A third time, if the first scorers do not agree. Ensures accuracy Scorers assigned about 15 exams at a time Could be multiple bundles; totaling 15 exams. Exams from other schools in the district may be assigned to be scored. The assigned scorer should contact if there are issues with the exams to be scored. (family member, taught student, etc.) For bundles containing less than 15 student exams, a scorer may be assigned multiple bundles. KYOTE will try not to have more than 15 exams to score between the bundles, at one time. Please expect to see more 6 KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

7 KYOTE Writing Test Sessions
Creating large exam classes within the system has been an issue for distribution of scoring. Exam classes should be limited to 15 students. If more students need tested, create multiple exam classes (e.g. to test 30 students, create two exam classes of 15). KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

8 Readiness for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment
KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

9 Readiness for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment
District/School Priority for Participation Development of Readiness Team Members Required For a complete list of team members required see the Monday DAC from December 5, The information provided can be found in the section titled “Readiness for The Kentucky Alternate Assessment” attachments. Initial Training Provided by the Special Education Low Incidence Consultants in your Regional Education Cooperatives

10 Readiness for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Timelines
Reminder that dates are tentative as work continues SCHOOL YEAR PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS District Team Development and Initial Training by the Regional Special Education Cooperative/Continue Pilot for Districts Previously Trained Ongoing Pilot Program Readiness Program Part of Accountability

11 Readiness for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Training Information
Training Location Link to Contact Information Western Kentucky Education Cooperative (WKEC) WKEC Green River Regional Educational Cooperative (GRREC) GRREC Jefferson County ECE Jefferson Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative (OVEC) OVEC Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services (NKCES) NKCES Central Kentucky Educational Cooperative (CKEC) CKEC South-East/South-Central Educational Cooperative (SE/SC) SE/SC Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC) KEDC Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative (KVEC) KVEC KDE:OAA:DSR:

12 Data Quality KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

13 2015 DAC Meetings Data Quality Collaborative process between OAA and school/district staff to ensure accurate reporting of test results KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

14 Data Quality Process for DACs/BACs
Step 1: Spring Roster Review Step 2: Fall Data Review Step 3: Quality Control Day Step 4: Public Reporting/Regulatory Review KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

15 2015 DAC Meetings Data Quality Accurate Account-ability Reporting Get the Rosters Right Students left on roster, after data review, without an approved non-participation or test score, will be included in reporting as a zero score. KDE:OAA:DAS: js: 1/17/2017

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