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Organizational Behaviour Langton / Robbins / Judge

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1 Organizational Behaviour Langton / Robbins / Judge
Chapter 3: Values, Attitudes, and Diversity in the Workplace Organizational Behaviour 5th Canadian Edition Langton / Robbins / Judge Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

2 Chapter Outline Values Assessing Cultural Values
Values in the Canadian Workplace Attitudes Managing Diversity in the Workplace Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

3 Values, Attitudes, and Their Effects in the Workplace
What are values? How can we understand values across cultures? Are there unique Canadian values? What are attitudes and why are they important? How do we respond to diversity in the workplace? This material is found at the beginning of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

4 Values Values Two frameworks for understanding values
Concepts or beliefs that guide how we make decisions about and evaluations of behaviours and events. Two frameworks for understanding values Milton Rokeach’s value survey Kent Hodgson’s general moral principles Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

5 Rokeach Value Survey Types of values Importance of values
Terminal: goals that individuals would like to achieve during their lifetime Instrumental: preferable ways of behaving Importance of values Values generally influence attitudes and behaviour. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

6 Exhibit 3-1 Terminal and Instrumental Values in Rokeach Value Survey
Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

7 Exhibit 3-2 Value Ranking of Executives, Union Members, and Activists (Top Five Only)
Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

8 Ethical Values Ethics The study of moral values or principles that guide our behaviour, and inform us whether our actions are right or wrong. Ethical values are related to moral judgments about right and wrong. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

9 The Magnificent Seven Principles
Kent Hodgson identified seven principles: 1. Dignity of human life 2. Autonomy 3. Honesty 4. Loyalty 5. Fairness 6. Humaneness 7. The common good Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values.” Management consultant Kent Hodgson has identified seven general moral principles that individuals should follow when making decisions about behaviour. He calls these “the Magnificent Seven” and suggests that they are universal values that managers should use to make principled, appropriate, and defensible decisions. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

10 Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Culture
Power Distance Individualism vs. Collectivism Masculinity vs. Femininity Uncertainty Avoidance Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Assessing Cultural Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

11 Exhibit 3-3 Hofstede’s Cultural Values By Nation
Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Assessing Cultural Values.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

12 Values in the Canadian Workplace
Generational Differences Cultural Differences Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

13 Generational Differences
The Elders (those over 60) Core values: Belief in order, authority, discipline, and the Golden Rule Baby Boomers (born mid-1940s to mid-1960s) Autonomous rebels, anxious communitarians, connected enthusiasts, disengaged Darwinists Generation X (born mid-1960s to early 1980s) Thrill-seeking materialists, aimless dependents, social hedonists, new Aquarians, autonomous post-materialists The Ne(x)t Generation (born between 1977 and 1997) “High expectations; seek meaning in their work Tend to be questioning, socially conscious and entrepreneurial. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” The Elders: These individuals are characterized as “playing by the rules,” and their core values are belief in order, authority, discipline, the Judeo-Christian moral code, and the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have others do unto you). The Boomers: Although viewed as a somewhat spoiled, hedonistic, rebellious group, this belies the four categories of boomers: autonomous rebels (25%), anxious communitarians (20%), connected enthusiasts (14%), and disengaged Darwinists (41%). So, unlike the elders, boomers are a bit more fragmented in their views, although all but the disengaged Darwinists reflect to some extent the stereotypes of this generation: rejection of authority, scepticism regarding the motives of big business and government, a strong concern for the environment, and a strong desire for equality in the workplace and society. Generation X: While this group is quite fragmented in its values, research showed that the common values are experience seeking, adaptability, and concern with personal image among peers. Despite these common values, Gen Xers can be divided into five tribes: thrill-seeking materialists (25%), aimless dependents (27%), social hedonists (15%), new aquarians (13%), and autonomous post-materialists (20%). Ne(x)t Generation: Labelled the Net Generation, millennials, Generation Y, or the Echo Boomers, this generation is defined by its ease with technology, having grown up with cell phones, text messaging, and Internet access (hence the name “Net”). They are team players and optimists with a desire for order. They tend to be socially conscious and entrepreneurial. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

14 Cultural Differences 2006 immigrant population
46 percent of Toronto’s population 40 percent of Vancouver’s 21 percent of Montreal’s 2006 Census findings on language 20.1 percent spoke neither English nor French as their first language. Of these: Largest majority spoke Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese) Followed by Italian, German, Punjabi, and Spanish Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” Canada is a multicultural country. “One in six Canadians in their 20s are immigrants, and one in five are the children of at least one immigrant parent.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

15 Exhibit 3-4 Canadian and American Value Differences
Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” There are enough differences in Canadian and American values to suggest that workplaces in the two countries will look and operate a bit differently. Canadians may be more suited to the teams that many organizations are creating, more willing to work together than be individual stars. They may follow the directives of their managers more, even as the learning organization suggests that both employees and managers need to take more responsibility to learn and share information. An awareness of these values may provide understanding of some of the differences observed in Canadian and American businesses. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

16 Francophone and Anglophone Values
Francophone Values More collectivist or group-oriented Greater need for achievement Concerned with interpersonal aspects of workplace Value affiliation Anglophone Values Individualist or I-centred More task-centred Take more risks Value autonomy Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” A 1994 study conducted at the University of Ottawa and Laval University suggest that some of the differences reported in previous research may be decreasing. For instance, that study reported that there were no significant differences in individualism and collectivism. While this is only one study, and thus needs further confirmation, the researchers suggest that some of the differences found in previous studies were a function of characteristics unrelated to whether a person was francophone or Anglophone. Specifically, once the socioeconomic status of the individuals is controlled, there are no differences due to linguistic background. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

17 Aboriginal Values More collectivist in orientation
More community-oriented Greater sense of family in the workplace Greater affiliation and loyalty Power distance lower than non-Aboriginal culture Greater emphasis on consensual decision-making Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

18 Asian Values North America East & Southeast Asia
Networked relations: based on self-interest Relationships viewed with immediate gains Enforcement relies on institutional law Governed by guilt (internal pressures on performance) East & Southeast Asia Guanxi relations: based on reciprocation Relationships meant to be long-term and enduring Enforcement relies on personal power and authority Governed by shame (external pressures on performance) Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Values in the Canadian Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

19 Attitudes Positive or negative feelings concerning objects, people, or events. Attitudes are less stable than values. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Attitudes are evaluative statements, either favourable or unfavourable, concerning objects, people, or events. They are not the same as values but are more specific although closely related. If a faculty member says, “I like teaching,” he or she is expressing an attitude about his or her work. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

20 Types of Attitudes Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment
An individual’s general attitude toward his or her job. Organizational Commitment A state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” In OB the focus is on a limited number of job-related attitudes. The major ones are: Job Satisfaction (a general positive or negative attitude toward a job) and Organizational Commitment (the degree to which an individual identifies with an organization). Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

21 Canadian Job Satisfaction
40 percent of Canadians are very satisfied with their jobs. 47 percent of Americans are happy. 54 percent of Danish workers are happy. 40 percent of Canadians say They would not recommend their place of work. They never see any of the benefits of their company’s profitability. Red tape and bureaucracy are the biggest barriers to job satisfaction. 55 percent of Canadians say they have too much to do. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

22 What Causes Job Satisfaction?
Key sources of Job Satisfaction Work itself, pay advancement opportunities, supervision, co-workers Enjoying the work itself is almost always most strongly correlated with high levels of job satisfaction. Once a person reaches the level of comfortable living the relationship between pay and satisfaction virtually disappears. People with positive core self-evaluations , believe in their inner worth and basic competence, and are more satisfied with their work. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

23 Job Satisfaction and Individual Performance
Satisfaction affects: Individual productivity Organizational productivity Organizational citizenship behaviour Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Individual productivity: The evidence suggests that the link between an individual’s job satisfaction and their productivity is slightly positive. Organizational productivity: The link between satisfaction and productivity is much stronger when we look not at individuals, but the organization as a whole. Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB): When employees feel that their employer is behaving fairly, they are more satisfied, and will then engage in OCB. Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction: Job satisfaction leads to better treatment of customers, which leads to greater customer satisfaction. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

24 How Employees Can Express Dissatisfaction
Exit Voice Loyalty Neglect Exhibit 3-5 Responses to Job Dissatisfaction Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Exit: Expressed by actively attempting to leave the organization Voice: Expressed by actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions Loyalty: Expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve Neglect: Expressed by passively allowing conditions to worsen Source: Reprinted with permission from Journal of Applied Social Psychology 15 no. 1, p. 83. V. H. Winston and Sons, 360 South Beach Boulevard, Palm Beach, FL All rights reserved. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

25 Managers Often Don’t Get it
Research findings on large organizations: Stock prices in high morale organizations grew 19.4 percent and only 10 percent for the medium an low morale group. Many managers are not concerned with job satisfaction measures. Many other managers overestimate the job satisfaction of their employees. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

26 Organizational Commitment
Three Types of Commitment Affective commitment An individual’s relationship to the organization. Normative commitment The obligation an individual feels to staying with an organization. Continuance commitment An individual’s calculation that it is in his or her best interest to stay with the organization based on the perceived costs of leaving it. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Professor John Meyer at the University of Western Ontario and his colleagues have identified and developed measures for three types of commitment. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

27 Five Reasons Employees Commit Themselves
They are proud of [the company’s] aspirations, accomplishments, and legacy; they share its values. They know what each person is expected to do, how performance is measured, and why it matters. They are in control of their own destinies; they savour the high-risk, high-reward work environment. They are recognized mostly for the quality of their individual performance. They have fun and enjoy the supportive and highly interactive environment. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Attitudes.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

28 Employee Engagement An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for work he or she does. Highly engaged employees have a passion for their work and feel a deep connection to the company. Firms that have employees with a higher level of engagement tend to see positive results: Higher customer satisfaction More productive employees Higher profits Lower levels of turnover and accidents Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

29 Managing Diversity in the Workplace
Responses to Diversity Initiatives Cultural Intelligence The ability to understand someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in the same way as would people from his or her culture. Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Managing Diversity in the Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

30 Exhibit 3-6 Major Workforce Diversity Categories
Gender National Origin Age Disability Domestic Partners Religion Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Managing Diversity in the Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

31 Exhibit 3-7 Measuring Your Cultural Intelligence
Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Managing Diversity in the Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

32 Cultural Intelligence Profiles
According to Earley and Masakowski most managers fall into the following cultural intelligence profiles: Provincial Analyst Natural Ambassador Mimic Chameleon Material pertinent to this discussion is found under “Managing Diversity in the Workplace.” Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

33 Summary and Implications
What are Values? Values guide how we make decisions about and evaluations of behaviours and events. How can we understand values across cultures? Hofstede found that managers and employees vary on five value dimensions of national culture. This insight is expanded on by his GLOBE program. Are there unique Canadian values? Canadian values are affected by both generational and cultural factors. What are attitudes and why are they important? Attitudes are positive or negative feelings about objects, people, or events. They affect the way people respond to situations. How do we respond to diversity in the workplace? Many organizations have introduced diversity training programs to improve cultural awareness. Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

34 OB at Work Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

35 For Review 1. How does ethics relate to values?
2. Describe the GLOBE project’s nine dimensions of national culture. 3. How might differences in generational values affect the workplace? 4. Compare Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal values. 5. What might explain low levels of employee job satisfaction in recent years. Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

36 For Review 6. Are satisfied workers productive workers? Explain your answer. 7. What is the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism? Job satisfaction and turnover? Which is the stronger relationship? 8. Contrast exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect as employee responses to job satisfaction. 9. What is cultural intelligence? How do its three dimensions relate to understanding people from other cultures? 10. How can managers get employees to more readily accept working with colleagues who are different from themselves? Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

37 For Critical Thinking 1. “Thirty-five years ago, young employees we hired were ambitious, conscientious, hard-working, and honest. Today’s young workers don’t have the same values.” Do you agree or disagree with this manager’s comments? Support your position. 2. Do you think there might be any positive and significant relationship between the possession of certain personal values and successful career progression in organizations such as Merrill Lynch, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), and the City of Regina’s police department? Discuss. Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

38 For Critical Thinking 3. “Managers should do everything they can to enhance the job satisfaction of their employees.” Do you agree or disagree? Support your position. 4. “Organizations should do everything they can to encourage organizational citizenship behaviour.” Do you agree or disagree? Support your position. 5. When employees are asked whether they would again choose the same work or whether they would want their children to follow in their footsteps, fewer than half typically answer “yes.” What, if anything, do you think this implies about employee job satisfaction? Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

39 What Do You Value? Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

40 Breakout Group Exercises
Form small groups to discuss the following topics. Each person in the group should first identify 3 to 5 key personal values. 1. Identify the extent to which values overlap in your group. 2. Try to uncover with your group members the source of some of your key values (e.g., parents, peer group, teachers, church). 3. What kind of workplace would be most suitable for the values that you hold most closely? Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

41 Working With Others Exercise
Understanding Cultural Values Break into groups of 5-6. Pretend that half of you have been raised in Canadian culture, and half of you have been raised in another culture assigned by your instructor. Consider the differences in the two cultures for: power distance, individualism, and uncertainty avoidance. a) What challenges will you face working together? b) What steps could be taken to work together more effectively? Material pertinent to this discussion is found at the end of the chapter. Use this slide to organize the students to complete the exercise. Remind them to refer to Exhibit 3-3 to understand differences. Assign students to explore some of the following: China, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, U.S. Langton, Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Cdn. Ed. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Canada

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