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Introduction to Sociology

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1 Introduction to Sociology
Professor Munshi Fall 2014

2 Schedule for Today, 10.29.14 Race and Intersectionality
the New Jim Crow

3 Racism & Prejudice Racism ideology that supports the belief that one racial group is innately superior or inferior to another; system of power Prejudice Generalizations or stereotypes about other groups of people

4 How do we view racism from a sociological perspective?
Racism is a large system that goes beyond individual ideas and prejudices Racism is not usually not intentional but happens in subtle ways

5 Discrimination Institutional when opportunity, privileges, and rights are denied, usually through policies which make the discrimination seem “normal" Attitudinal shows up in everyday interactions and practices

6 institutional discrimination is often invisible and indirect 
harder to talk about

7 Case Study: the Prison Industrial Complex
What is the prison industrial complex? One definition> overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to what are economic, social, and political “problems.”

8 Case Study: the Prison Industrial Complex
On prison expansion in the U.S. Some facts about the prison industrial complex

9 Case Study: the Prison Industrial Complex
People of color are about 30% of the general population, but about 60% of the prison population 1/15 African American men; 1/36 Hispanic men; 1/106 white men are in prison African American women are 3x more likely to be incarcerated than white women; Hispanic women 69% more likely than white women. , immigration offenses increased by 145%

10 The New Jim Crow What is the “old” Jim Crow Laws in the U.S. South that enforced racial segregation ( ) Why does Alexander call her book about U.S. prisons: The New Jim Crow?

11 In small groups: Why are crime rates and patterns of drug crime unable to explain the “glaring racial disparities in our criminal justice system?” What does she mean by a “formally colorblind criminal justice system?” Does the legal system see racial differences? Why or why not?

12 The New Jim Crow

13 The New Jim Crow

14 The New Jim Crow

15 Announcements/Homework
Changes to syllabus: Essay #2 is due on Monday, November 24, not November 12 For Monday, November 3: Read Chapter 6, pp & re-read pp Reading Worksheet #7 due


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