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Visual Appearance Chapter 4

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1 Visual Appearance Chapter 4
Tomas Akenine-Möller Department of Computer Engineering Chalmers University of Technology

2 Overview of today’s lecture
Refresher on simple lighting models Plus some new stuff Fog Gamma correction Transparency and alpha Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

3 Compute lighting at vertices, then interpolate over triangle
Geometry blue red green Rasterizer How compute lighting? We could set colors per vertex manually For a little more realism, compute lighting from Light sources Material properties Geometrical relationships Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

4 Refresher on lighting Diffuse component : idiff
i=iamb+idiff+ispec Diffuse is Lambert’s law: Photons are scattered equally in all directions Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

5 Lighting Specular component : ispec
Diffuse is dull (left) Specular: simulates a highlight Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

6 Specular component: Phong
Phong specular highlight model n l Reflect l around n: r -l Read about Blinns highlight formula: (n.h)m Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

7 Ambient component: iamb
Ad-hoc – tries to account for light coming from other surfaces Just add a constant color: Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

8 Lighting i=iamb+idiff+ispec
DEMO This is just a hack! Has little to do with how reality works! Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

9 Additions to the lighting equation
2 Depends on distance: 1/(a+bt+ct ) Can have more lights: just sum their respective contributions Different light types: Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

10 What’s lighting and what’s shading?
Lighting: the interaction between light and matter Shading: do lighting (at vertices) and determine pixel’s colors from these Three types of shading: Flat, Goraud, and Phong Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

11 Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002
Fog Simple atmospheric effect A little better realism Help in determining distances Color of fog: color of surface: How to compute f ? 3 ways: linear, exponential, exponential-squared Linear: Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

12 Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002
Fog example Often just a matter of Choosing fog color Choosing fog model Turning it on Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

13 Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002
Gamma correction If input to gun is 0.5, then you don’t get 0.5 as output in intensity Instead, gamma correct that signal: gives linear relationship Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

14 Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002
Gamma correction I=intensity on screen V=input voltage (electron gun) a,e, and g are constants for each system Common gamma values: Assuming e=0, gamma correction is: Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

15 Why is it important to care about gamma correction?
Portability across platforms Image quality Texturing Interpolation One solution is to put gamma correction in hardware… Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

16 Transparency and alpha
Very simple in real-time contexts The tool: alpha blending (mix two colors) Alpha (a) is another component in the frame buffer, or on triangle Represents the opacity 1.0 is totally opaque 0.0 is totally transparent The over operator: Rendered object Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

17 Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002
Transparency Need to sort the transparent objects Render back to front Lots of different other blending modes Can store RGBa in textures as well Two ways: Unmultiplied Premultiplied Tomas Akenine-Mőller © 2002

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