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Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability

2 What is Environmental Science?
Natural Sciences Ecology Biology Chemistry Geology Social Sciences Economics Politics Ethics

3 Earth’s Life-Support System
Human Culturesphere Air (atmosphere) Water (hydrosphere) Population Technology Soil and rocks (lithosphere) Life (biosphere) Economics Politics

4 Sustainability Satisfies basic needs of people
Food Water Air Shelter Doesn’t deplete natural resources

5 © 2004 Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning
Environmental Social Economic © 2004 Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning Traditional decision making

6 Social Economic Sustainable Solutions Environmental
Decision making in a sustainable society

7 Population Growth Growth is exponential – increases by a fixed percentage

8 Death rates drop – better health care, increased sanitation
Birth rates remain the same Can measure growth in doubling time – number of years it takes a population to double Use rule of 70: 70/percentage growth rate = doubling time World population: 7,018,000,000 US population: 313,000,000

9 What makes a country developed?
More developed countries have greater populations than less developed countries What makes a country developed? Improved standard of living Industrialized Per capita Gross National Income (GNI)

10 Population (billions)
12 11 10 World total 9 8 Developing countries 7 Population (billions) 6 5 4 3 Developed countries 2 1 2000 2050 2100 1950 Year

11 Good news about developed countries
Life expectancy is rising Infant mortality rate has dropped Food production is outpacing population growth Increase in safe drinking water Less raw materials = more goods Air and water pollutant levels are dropping

12 Not-so-good news about developing countries
Life expectancy 11 yrs less Infant mortality is 8x higher Poverty (1 of 4 have income of $370) Burning fossil fuels  global warming Natural resources are being depleted Air and water pollutant levels too high

13 Predominantly natural
Arctic Circle Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Human disturbance Antarctic Circle Predominantly natural Partially disturbed Human dominated

14 Resources Perpetual Nonrenewable Winds, tides, flowing water Fossil
fuels Metallic minerals Non- metallic minerals Direct solar energy (iron, copper, aluminum) (clay, sand, phosphates) Renewable Fresh air Fresh water Fertile soil Plants and animals (biodiversity)

15 Ecological Footprint The amount of land needed to produce the resources needed by an average person in a country.

16 Total Ecological Footprint
Country Total Ecological Footprint (Hectares) United States The Netherlands India 3 billion hectares 94 million hectares 1 billion

17 Biodiversity Depletion
Habitat destruction Habitat degradation Extinction Air Pollution Global climate change Stratospheric ozone depletion Urban air pollution Acid deposition Outdoor pollutants Indoor pollutants Noise Food Supply Problems Overgrazing Farmland loss and degradation Wetlands loss Overfishing Coastal pollution Soil erosion Soil salinization Soil waterlogging Water shortages Groundwater depletion Loss of biodiversity Poor nutrition Major Environmental Problems Water Pollution Sediment Nutrient overload Toxic chemicals Infectious agents Oxygen depletion Pesticides Oil spills Excess heat Waste Production Solid waste Hazardous waste

18 Pollution Any addition to air, water, soil, or food that threatens the health, survival, or activities of living organisms Can be natural or caused by humans Point source: come from single, identifiable sources Nonpoint sources: dispersed sources that are difficult to identify

19 Pollutants cause: Disruption of life-support systems for living things Damage to wildlife, human health, property Unpleasant noise, taste, sounds, smells Prevent or clean-up!

20 Rapid population growth
Unsustainable resource use Poverty Not including the environmental costs of economic goods and services in their market prices Trying to manage and simplify nature with too little knowledge about how it works

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