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Status of the experiments with the CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000

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1 Status of the experiments with the CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000
FRASCATI 28 – 29 March, 2011

2 Short outline 1. Physical program in runs 2010 & Detector resolutions 3. Data taking 4. Some preliminary results 5. Nearest plans 2

3 Vector mesons in VEPP-2000 energy range
F. State Mass, MeV Width, MeV Decay modes 13S1 (770) 775.490.34 149.10.8 Known to the level 105 13S1 (782) 0.12 8.49 0.08 13S1 (1020) 0.020 4.26 0.04 23S1 (1450) 146525 40060 , 4 seen 23S1 (1420) 1400  1450 180250 ρπ dominant (1570) 157070 14490 May be an OZI-violating decay mode of ρ(1700) 23S1 (1680) 168020 15050 K bar K* (892) + c.c. dominant 13D1 (1700) 172020 250100 2(+-) large,  dominant 13D1 (1650) 167030 31535 , ,  seen 13D1 (??) ??? (1900) 6 seen

4 Lay-out of VEPP-2000 SND beam length – 3.3 cm energy spread – 0.7 MeV
revolution time – 82 ns beam current – mA beam length – cm energy spread – MeV circumference – m beta function in IP x= z =4.3cm L = 1032 cm-2s-1 at 2.0 GeV, L = 1031 cm-2s-1 at 1 GeV CMD-3 SND

5 3D view CMD-3 detector (real scale)
DC – 1218 hexagonal cells with sensitive wires, W-Re alloy, 15  in diameter. Z-chamber – start FLT, precise determine z-coordinate ~ 500  (detector acceptance) LXe calorimeter thickness 7 X0, 196 towers & 1286 strips. Spatial resolution 1 – 2 mm. Calorimeter with CsI crystals (3.5t), 8 X0 8 octants, number of crystals TOF – 16 counters, time resolution ~ 1ns MR system – 8 octants, cosmic veto, ~ 1ns Project magnetic field is 1.5 T (we are working at 1T while)

6 First run: spring-summer 2010 Integrated luminosity, 1/nb
Beam energy, MeV Date Run numbers Integrated luminosity, 1/nb Events number, 10^6 Hard disk space, GB OnLine OffLine 700 # #6549 300 20 150 750 # #6693 400 17 145 800 # #6828 170 13 105 850 # #6937 340 15.5 100 900 # #7159 240 40 950 # #7340 75 25 1525 130.5 910

7 First run: spring-summer 2010
Collected integral luminosity 1.5 pb-1 Empty gaps reflect our problems with solenoid reflect

8 First run: spring-summer 2010
event e+e-  e+e- R-z plane R- plane

9 First run: winter-spring 2010
Event e+e- ++

10 p-pbar event in SND (1900 MeV)

11 Short run around  meson
15 – 30 December 2010 KK Integr. lum .  1.5 pb-1 KLKS

12 2011 energy scan program from  to 2 GeV
2E, МeV Integr. lum., nb-1 2E, MeV 1 1050 440 19 1975 5 days 2 1100 470 20 1925 3 1150 480 21 1875 4 1200 540 22 1825 5 1250 400 23 1775 6 1300 24 1725 7 1350 550 25 1675 500 8 1400 520 26 1625 9 1450 430 27 1575 10 1500 28 1525 11 1550 510 29 1475 12 1600 30 1425 13 1650 450 31 1375 14 1700 32 1325 15 1750 33 1275 16 1800 34 1225 17 1950 35 1175 18 2000 10 days 36 1125 37 1075 Up & down energy scan (shift on half step) Integrated luminosity 20 pb-1 (equivalent to CMD-2 for all time) Total program 180 days with current temp Upper 1700 MeV – max injection energy Until summer ????

13 History data taking in 2011 Reason was found and eliminated. Vacuum degradation. Spent 3 weeks to repair detector Up to now we haven’t pr. Field quench

14 DC momentum resolutions
E= 505 MeV E= 508 MeV E= 510 MeV E= MeV

15 DC & calorimeters resolutions
min=100  e+ee+e Ebeam=850 МeV p/p=5% m.i.p. e+ee+e CsI response vs energy deposition in Lxe calorimeter The summ energy deposition In CsI & Lxe calorimetrs e+ee+e m.i.p. E/E=6%

16 preliminary Preliminary results (2010): 2E>1.3 GeV p e+e  + K
Energy depos. vs momentum electrons muons K p e+e   + a1+00 e+e  + preliminary

17 One of the main physical task is to measure quantity R(s)
aμ(theory) = aμ(QED) + aμ(Weak) + aμ(Hadronic) Contribution to am vs energy, 10 MeV step Contribution to error of the am vs energy, 10 MeV step black points- statistic red points-systematic

18 What else? Depends on and value R(s)
About 40% of the error comes from energy range 1 to 2.5 GeV. Today integrated luminosity inside this energy band is  200 nb-1. After this energy scan we will have about 20 pb-1 (100 times more).

19 Nearest plans? Collect integrated luminosity in this season about 20 pb-1. Search for N-Ñbar, select events and study detection efficiency for this process (prepare preliminary results for summer conferences) Study in detail 4, 5 and 6 channels Vacuum chamber of the VEPP-2000 will be redone to increase dynamic aperture and arrange energy determination using Compton’s back scattering techniques (10-4). It can be taken about 3 – 4 months. Low energy program will depend on success of the above item. But in any case short energy scan will be done. 19

20 Nearest plans? RF system of the booster will be redone to provide beam energy injection up to 1000 MeV (850 MeV). We loose about 30% of integrated luminosity for higher energies while. The ramping up and ramping down of the beam energy in VEPP-2000 is a complicated arrangement and repeats in average every 15 minutes. Luminosity is limited by positron storage rate (peak 1031). New injection complex will provide project luminosity 1032 The all elements for the new injection channel (length 100 m) are made and installed. Power supply equipment for lenses & magnets is in progress now. 80% is done. During this time we will repair some detector imperfections. Some part of the digitizing electronics for LXe and ZC will be changed to a new one.

21 Conclusions VEPP-2000 started-up for data taking.
Idea with «round beams» proved luminosity enhancement. Peak luminosity 1031 cm-2s-1 was achieved at phi – meson. Potentially 2×1031 cm-2s-1 is possible at φ and 1.6×1032 cm-2s-1 at 2 GeV. To reach the target luminosity, more positrons are needed. Booster RF system upgrade is required. When will be done? Beam en. calibr. is in progress now. All parts are available. We plan to make low energy scan in the next run. Prelimi- nary results will be reported on summer conferences. 21

22 Thank you for your attention

23 Beam energy calibration

24 DC resolutions R- (drift time) 100 140 m
R-z (charge division)  3 mm (dE/dx) *dE/dx

25 Nearest plans? e  e+ VEPP-2000 BEP e+, e booster 850 MeV ILU CMD-3
Linac B-3M 200 MeV synchro- betatron BEP e+, e booster 850 MeV SND CMD-3 e  e+ convertor 2 m VEPP-2000

26 Exclusive decay modes Search for (1420) & (1650) decay into 3 vs energy a1(1260) is enough to describe cross section dependence vs energy for 4 channel. But at high statistic  channel will contribute at notice- able level too? Search for intermediate dynamics is very importance. 5 channel with intermediate states (1450) & (1700) which can decay to  6 channel - gold mode for search (1900). What is the mass? It is upper or lower of the threshold production N-Nbar? Is this state baryonium? Hybrid or something else? Search for decay (1680)  K+K-, KSKL and strange vector hybrid in decays (1680)  K*K  KK  &   K1(1400)K K*K  KK. f0(980), , , radiation decays and physics of  и  mesons…

27 BaBar Radiation return Half statistic is processed (1450) (1570)
(1420) (1650) (1680) (1700) (1900) Half statistic is processed

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