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Our Viking powerpoint Click below to listen to our videos.

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1 Our Viking powerpoint Click below to listen to our videos.

2 Contents Food Where did they come from? When did the Vikings invade Britan? Viking Gods and Godesses Clothes Quiz

3 food PLANTS Vegetables e.g. leeks, onions, turnips, parsnips and carrots. Berries e.g. gooseberries, blackberries and blueberries. Animals Wild animals e.g. deer, wild boar, fox, beaver, and bear. Domesticated animals e.g. chicken, goat, sheep and pigs

The Vikings came from the three countries in Scandinavia (in Northern Europe) Denmark Norway Sweden

5 When did the Vikings invade britan ?
The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England after the Battle of Hastings. By 866 the Vikings had arrived in York. They made York (or Jorvik as they called it) the second biggest city in the country after London. No matter how many times the Vikings were beaten, they always came back, and in the end all their efforts paid off. It was the Vikings (Norsemen) of Normandy who finally conquered England in 1066 and changed British history for ever.

6 Viking Gods and goddesses
Thor: Thor was the god of thunder and protection. Odin: Odin was the leader of the gods, magic and war. Freyr: God of fertility and agriculture. Freyja: the twin of Freyr the goddess of love and fertility.

7 Clothes

8 Quiz Denmark Norway Sweden

9 Big quiz How many Vikings can go on a long boat at once?
How many people can fit in a log boat at once? What did monasteries have in them? What were the Vikings other name for it?

10 Answers 30 or more 6 or 8 Treasure and preaches things Norse men

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