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Hotels Gaming TAB Liquor Shops Video Shops Amusements

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Presentation on theme: "Hotels Gaming TAB Liquor Shops Video Shops Amusements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hotels Gaming TAB Liquor Shops Video Shops Amusements
The Vlandis Group of Hotels has been running for over 25 years. With our knowledge and expertise we have grown with the Hotel industry, changing and developing along with the needs of the patrons. We will continue to evolve as the years go on. Hotels Gaming TAB Liquor Shops Video Shops Amusements

2 Hotels Canterbury Hotel Colonial Hotel Coolibah Hotel Jamison Hotel
Three Swallows Hotel

3 Gaming VIP Gaming Leaders in innovation Promotions galore
Comfort for the customer Tranquil environment

4 TAB Some of the largest video and Daily Form Services available at all sites for your convenience

5 Liquor Stax With a wide range of wines, beers and spirits, our liquor shops are among the top in the country

6 Home Pics Video With over 4000 movies in every store and the CHEAPEST prices in the area, who can go past our video shops

7 Amusements We are happy to accommodate any location with one of our up to date amusement machine, from office buildings to cafes and hotels

8 E-mail:
208 Canterbury Rd Canterbury NSW 2193 Phone: (02) Fax: (02)

9 E-mail:
156 Victoria St Werrington NSW 2747 Phone: (02) Fax: (02)

10 E-mail:
Coolibah Hotel 15 Sherwood Rd Merrylands NSW 2160 Phone: (02) Fax: (02)

11 E-mail:
186 Smith St Penrith NSW 2750 Phone: (02) Fax: (02)

12 E-mail:
Three Swallows Hotel 342 Hume Hwy Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone: (02) Fax: (02)

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