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Leave a space for your timeline to be stuck in!

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Presentation on theme: "Leave a space for your timeline to be stuck in!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leave a space for your timeline to be stuck in!
What Caused WWI? Lesson Aim: To revise the overview of the causes. TASK: What causes do these pictures show? Write you answers down. C. A. D. B.

2 Exam Basics! Past paper…..

3 Re-Cap!

4 What caused WWI? Complete your storyboard.
In caption boxes, only include dates/facts/figures. Finish for homework!

5 Causes of WWI Alliance system – Triple Entente
Alliance system – Triple Alliance Anglo-German naval rivalry/arms race Moroccan Crisis 1905 Moroccan Crisis 1911 1908 Balkan Crisis Balkan Wars Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, 28th July 1914. P211: How war broke out Formed in 1907. Britain, France & Russia. France/Britain concerned about Germany’s growing power. Long rivalry with Austria-Hungary and had built up industry with help of France.

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