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Presentation on theme: "FAC21 - PLANNING 101: START YOUR ENGINES!"— Presentation transcript:

APRIL 3-6, 2013, LONG BEACH, CA FAC21 - PLANNING 101: START YOUR ENGINES! These materials have been prepared by the CASBO Facilities Professional Council (or CASBO Associate Member). They have not been reviewed by State CASBO for approval, so therefore are not an official statement of CASBO.

2 Outline Demographic Planning, Enrollment Projections & Boundaries
Planning Capital Outlay Programs Needs Assessment – Master Planning Technology Needs & Coming Trends State Agencies & Audits Project & Program Budgeting Bond Planning & Funding Options Questions 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

3 Presenters Presider: David Miranda, Assistant Director, Facilities, Planning & Operations, Tustin USD Speaker: Larry Ferchaw, Senior Director, Dolinka Group Speaker: Mark Rosson, Principal, Capital Program Management Speaker: June Lindsey, Education Services Director, Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

4 Demographic Factors in Projecting Student Enrollment
Birth/Fertility Rates Number of children born/projected to be born within the school district Cohort Survival Factors Likelihood of students to progress from one grade level to the next within the school district Student Generation/Yield Rates Average number of students generated from each home within the school district Future Housing Construction Number of units by type to be built within the school district Inter-/Intra-District Transfer Trends Movement of students from outside the school district and transfers of students within the school district Other Factors Foreclosures Private Schools/Charter Schools Outgoing transfer students 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

5 Birth/Fertility Rates
Used to project future kindergarten enrollment Growth in number of births statewide from 2001 to 2007 Significant declines from 2008 – 2011 with projections for growth starting this year Regional and sub-regional variations Can be analyzed at the County and ZIP Code levels depending on the age of the community 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

6 Cohort Survival Factors
Used to project the number of students from existing homes who will progress from one grade level to the next Trends of students moving out of or entering the existing housing stock of the school district Identify areas of decline/growth in existing housing by looking at cohorts by regions/boundaries/study areas Weighting of cohorts can emphasize trends 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

7 Student Yield Rates /New Residential Constructions
Construction of new residential units has slowed/stopped…when will it start again? Growth from new development is more a question of when than how many Part of the challenge is to identify if future units will generate students in similar numbers as have units built in the past Higher density construction in many areas 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

8 Identifying Existing Capacity
Inventory All Facilities Maps, site walks, open all the doors Permanent, Relocatable (Owned or Leased) Identify Standards of the School District What standard types of rooms should each facility have How are vacant classrooms treated? Loading Standards Use of uniform loading standards School Facilities Program standards? Load based on union contract/local standards? Classroom Utilization Rates Preparation periods or roving teachers? Quality of Facilities Would any planned improvements to facilities affect capacity Calculated Capacity vs. Optimal Capacity Is the optimal capacity less than or greater than a calculated capacity? 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

9 Master Planning for Growth
How Will Future Schools be Configured Grade level configuration Size New vs. expansion Where Will Facilities be Needed Enrollment projections should project where students will be generated What facilities would be overcrowded Where can a facility be located for logical attendance boundaries Site concerns When Will Facilities be Needed Setting enrollment thresholds for when new schools should open Planning and construction timelines Impact on general fund Availability of construction funding 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

10 Planning Capital Outlay Programs
Capital outlay program defined: It is the development of a comprehensive program for the design, development, and implementation of a large-scale facilities Capital Outlay Program that consists of multiple projects, typically carried out over a period of many years. 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

11 Capital Outlay Planning Components

12 Facility Needs Assessment
Assess the condition of all facilities Identify facility needs and inequities across the District Identify the cost of improvements Make recommendations (short and long term) District standards (i.e., Construction materials, design, sustainability) Board approved educational specifications 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

13 Create a Master Plan Schedule with Milestones
Set up your team – RFQ for consultants services Gather data and develop facility & enrollment history Assess facilities Develop educational framework Develop facility options and priorities Retain community input Develop a funding plan Develop an implementation plan Board presentation Board approval 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

14 Technology Needs & Coming Trends
Electronic textbooks Building a Wireless Infrastructure for Systems Conversing on Data Network Online Standardized Testing mandate by 2015 Readiness and implementation of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) A data network infrastructure built for the future 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

15 What’s your Vision – Future?
Questions - What do you want to teach? - How do you want to teach it? Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District - Next Generation of Teaching Future - Build infrastructure for flexibility 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

16 Next Generation of Teaching

17 State Agencies & Audits
Department of State Architect (DSA) California Department of Education (CDE) Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

18 Comprehensive Program & Project Budgets
Hard and soft costs Escalation Program-wide expenses Loss reserve program contingency 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

19 Program-Wide Expenses
School District FUNDING Program-Wide Expenses Program Escalation Program Loss Reserve Program Balance Project Budgets High School High School Elementary Mod Project No. 1 Elementary Mod Project No. 2 Elementary Mod Project No. 3 Site Costs District and Agency Costs Consultant Costs Bid Costs Construction Costs Construction Support Costs Furniture & Equipment Costs Miscellaneous Project Costs Contingency Costs Site Costs District and Agency Costs Consultant Costs Bid Costs Construction Costs Construction Support Costs Furniture & Equipment Costs Miscellaneous Project Costs Contingency Costs Elementary Mod Project No. 4 Elementary Mod Project No. 5 Elementary Mod Project No. 6 Middle School Mod Project No. 1 Middle School Mod Project No. 2 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

20 Identify & Evaluate Local Assets
Developer Fees (Level 1 & Level 2) Mitigation Agreements Community Facilities Districts Existing Funds in Construction Accounts Remainder Special Taxes Future Special Tax Levies & Bond Sales Redevelopment Past Collections Future Collections Surplus Property Lease of Property Sale of Property 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

21 ? Re-Evaluate Needs Based on Funding Program Identify Needs
Local Assets Funding Shortfall Prop 39 Funding Net Funding Shortfall Question – What tax rate and bond authorization will be approved by the Governing Board and put to the voters (low, medium, high)? Question – How much of the "Net Funding Shortfall" may/could be covered by future funds from the State? ? 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

22 Questions Presider: David Miranda, Assistant Director, Facilities, Planning & Operations, Tustin USD Speaker: Larry Ferchaw, Senior Director, Dolinka Group Speaker: Mark Rosson, Principal, Capital Program Management Speaker: June Lindsey, Education Services Director, Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke 2013 CASBO ANNUAL CONFERENCE & SCHOOL BUSINESS EXPO

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