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Panelist Orientation: TAACCCT Grant Program SGA/DFA PY 10-03

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Presentation on theme: "Panelist Orientation: TAACCCT Grant Program SGA/DFA PY 10-03"— Presentation transcript:

1 Panelist Orientation: TAACCCT Grant Program SGA/DFA PY 10-03
July 14th, 2011 10:00 - 1:00 Eastern

2 Webinar Platform: Participant View
Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Chat Room Full Screen Status Options

3 Submitting Questions To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button. Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Text Field Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Arrow Button

4 Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Access to Webinar Resources

6 Presenters Featured Speakers
Donna Kelly, Grant Officer, Employment & Training Administration Amanda Ahlstrand, Director, Business Relations Group, Employment & Training Administration Melissa Abdullah, Grant Management Specialist, Employment & Training Administration Brad Wiggins, Workforce Analyst, Employment & Training Administration

7 The following topics will be covered during this presentation:
Welcome to Paneling! The following topics will be covered during this presentation: Paneling Process Funding Opportunity Description Deliberation Specialist Expectations Panelist Rating Workbook Evaluation Criteria

8 Presenter Donna Kelly Grant Officer, ETA

9 Paneling Process Orientation Materials Today’s PowerPoint Presentation
Panelist Excel Workbook Conflict of Interest Form/Non-Disclosure Statement Assigned Panel Information Deliberation Schedule Solicitation for Grant Applications Electronic Copies of Assigned Proposals POC: Melissa Abdullah or

10 Role of Panelists Paneling is a full-time commitment
Commit to thoroughly reading and scoring each proposal prior to the deliberation calls which includes: Review of the evaluation criteria. Review of each proposal based on the evaluation criteria and assigning a numerical rating for each criterion/sub-criterion. Documentation of your weakness statements for each criterion/sub- criterion to establish a clear relationship between the score awarded and the weaknesses identified. Finalize weakness statements as a result of deliberation call. Submit the Excel Workbook for each application by to the deliberation specialist within 24 hours after the deliberation call.

11 Performance Excellence Partners, Inc.
Performance Excellence Partners, Inc. (PEP) has been retained by DOL to identify and procure panelists. You will be working for PEP to perform the panel deliberations. PEP will provide information by on invoice instructions and payment. Please direct questions to: Linda Metchikoff-Hooker at PEP (office), or (fax)

12 Role of the Deliberation Specialist
The Deliberation Specialist will: Ensure panelists receive a complete package of materials. Answer questions and address concerns in a timely and professional manner. Facilitate calls to ensure a fair deliberation process. Ensure panel members are not pressured to change their ratings. Provide timely feedback to panelists if written evaluations are incomplete.

13 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

14 Business Relations Group, Employment & Training Administration
Presenter Amanda Ahlstrand Director, Business Relations Group, Employment & Training Administration

15 TAACCCT Grant Program (SGA/DFA PY 10-03)
Overview TAACCCT Grant Program (SGA/DFA PY 10-03) Award Information Eligible Institutions Targeted Population Four Priorities

16 Award Information Up to $500 million in grant funds, with awards ranging as follows: $2.5 - $5 million for individual applicants $2.5 - $20 million for consortium applicants Grants may exceed the award amount ceiling on two conditions The period of performance is 36 months Includes all necessary implementation and start-up activities, program development and enhancement, pre- and post-program services, and grant close-out activities.

17 Eligible Institutions
Institutions of higher education which offer programs that can be completed in not more than two years Includes public, proprietary, or other non-profit educational institutions Consortia of two or more individual eligible institutions Must identify a lead institution that will have overall fiscal and administrative responsibility for the grant Must include a consortium agreement Should focus on regional, national or industry-wide education and training needs.

18 Targeted Population The nation needs workers with education and skills to succeed in growing, high-wage occupations. Funds will provide education and training programs suitable for workers eligible for training under the TAA for Workers program. The department expects that once programs are implemented they will benefit a wide range of individuals.

19 Four Priorities Accelerate Progress for Low-Skilled and Other Workers Improve Retention and Achievement Rates to Reduce Time to Completion Build Programs That Meet Industry Needs, Including Developing Career Pathways Strengthen Online and Technology-Enabled Learning

20 Evidence-Based Design Open Education Resources
Program Tip Sheets Evidence-Based Design Open Education Resources Online, Hybrid and Technology-Enabled Learning Course or Learning Management Systems Course Redesign Models

21 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

22 Grant Management Specialist, Employment & Training Administration
Presenter Melissa Abdullah Grant Management Specialist, Employment & Training Administration

23 Deliberation Specialist

24 Panel Materials Materials Today’s PowerPoint Presentation
Panelist Excel Workbook Conflict of Interest Form Security of Proposals Form Assigned Panel Information Deliberation Schedule Solicitation of Grant Application Electronic Copies of Assigned Proposals Note: Fax Forms to

25 Application Outline Part I – Cost Proposal SF-424
SF-424A [Budget Information Form] Budget Narrative Part II – Technical Proposal For individual institutions, limited to 30 doubled-spaced, single-sided, 8.5 inch x 11 inch pages with 12 point text font and one-inch margins. For consortia applications, limited to 35 doubled-spaced, single-sided, 8.5 inch x 11 inch pages with 12 point text font and one-inch margins.

26 Application Outline Part III – Attachments to Technical Proposal
Abstract (up to 3 pages) Letter of Commitment Community Outreach Documentation (up to 5 pages) If any of the specified limits are exceeded, please notify your Deliberation Specialist immediately and next steps will be determined and conveyed to entire panel.

27 Paneling Basics Prior to the deliberation call:
Read each proposal thoroughly without scoring Review each proposal a second time against the evaluation criteria Score each proposal against each criterion and sub-criterion Assign a numerical rating for each criterion; total the points for each criterion for a total score Prepare weaknesses for each criterion and sub-criterion to account for any reduction of points from the maximum available point value when scoring. The page number and section of the proposal MUST be noted, if applicable, when referring back to specific information or details in the proposal

28 Paneling Basics For each criterion:
Weaknesses must be included if any points are deducted The number and significance of weaknesses for each criterion should correspond directly to the score Provide full and complete sentences to support the weaknesses for each criterion

29 Using Criteria to Justify Scores
Applications should be assumed to start at 100 points. The number of points allotted to each evaluation criterion should be derived in accordance with the number of associated sub-criterion and utilized consistently across all applications. As the proposal is read and weaknesses are documented, deduct a number of points appropriate to both the degree of the weakness and the point value associated with the relevant sub-criterion.

30 Documentation Tips When preparing weakness statements, please remember, the documentation is provided to assist the applicant in preparing future applications. All panelist comments will be compiled into one report; ensure statements are clear and concise to avoid any appearance of contradiction. Comments should be written with enough detail to stand alone. All comments should be objective and refer to specific evaluation criteria.

31 Words or Phrases to AVOID
Such as… It appears… It seems… I believe… The applicant claims… The applicant should have… If the applicant would have… Questions (all questions and opinions must be captured under “Issues” or Comments”)

32 Examples of Weakness Statements
#336 Good Deeds Private Nonprofit WEAKNESSES: The applicant did not provide adequate data and analysis to demonstrate a clear and specific need for federal investment in the proposed activities (see proposal: page 2, Statement of Need). The applicant is missing a required partner (see proposal, page 12, Project Management and Organizational Capacity).

33 Examples of Weakness Statements
WEAKNESSES The proposed time commitment of the staff is not sufficient to ensure proper direction, management, and timely completion of the project (see proposal, page 13, Project Management and Organizational Capacity). The applicant did not clearly demonstrate a results-oriented approach to managing participant data (see proposal, page 19, Outcomes and Deliverables).

34 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

35 Panelist Rating Workbook





40 Workbook Guidelines Only enter whole numbers in the Workbook.
Save your Excel Workbook in the following format: Panel Letter, Panelist Last Name, Proposal #.xls (Example: Panel C, Smith,#10) Only change the values in blue cells. To adjust zoom, select “View>>Zoom…” from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Save your excel workbook often [in order to not lose info in the event of computer outage or glitch]!!

41 Deliberation Process Before the deliberation call [panelists discussion facilitated by Deliberation Specialist]: Read the assigned number of proposals; score each criterion and sub- criterion; and prepare written weaknesses for each criterion and sub-criterion. During the deliberation call: Actively participate in the discussion.

42 Sample E-mail Subject Line:
Deliberation Process After the deliberation call: Adjust weakness statements and/or scores, if discussion or additional information deems an adjustment appropriate. Submit documentation in the Excel Workbook to the Deliberation Specialist by within 24 hours. Sample Subject Line: Smith, Rating Sheet, #1 Please note: the deliberation specialist will be reading the workbooks and will return to the panelist for revisions/clarifications as needed.

43 Deliberation Schedule
Panelists will have three deliberation calls during the panel evaluation period. Deliberation Specialists will provide conference call number and pass code that will be used for all three deliberation calls. First deliberation call is Monday, July 18th; the first two proposals should be read and scored.

44 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

45 Business Relations Group, Employment & Training Administration
Presenter Brad Wiggins Workforce Analyst, Business Relations Group, Employment & Training Administration

46 Evaluation Criteria

47 Statement of Need (30 points)
Evaluation Criteria Statement of Need (30 points) Work Plan and Project Management (45 points) Measurement/Evaluation of Progress and Outcomes (25 points) Total = 100 points

48 1. Statement of Need (30 points)
Scoring on this criterion will be based on 4 sub-criteria: Impact of Foreign Trade in Community to be Served (5 points) Targeted Population in Community to be Served (5 points) Target Industries and Occupations (10 points) Gaps in Existing Educational and Career Training Programs (10 points)

49 i. Impact of Foreign Trade in Community(ies) to be Served (5 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants demonstrate that at least one community served by the proposed project is impacted by the threat to, or loss of, jobs resulting from foreign trade. In demonstrating this, applicants must either:

50 i. Impact of Foreign Trade in Community(ies) to be Served – continued
Provide evidence that the Department of Commerce has made an Affirmative Determination that a community or communities to be served by the project is impacted by trade. Applicants should include documentation of an Affirmative Determination by the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration with the attachments to the technical proposal described in Section IV.B. Part III of this SGA; or

51 i. Impact of Foreign Trade in Community(ies) to be Served - continued
Identify one or more TAA Certification determinations (providing the TAA for Workers (TAW) Number, company name, and decision date) in at least one community to be served by the project, made on or after January 1, The applicant must also provide a narrative that describes the threat to, or the loss of, jobs associated with the identified Certification(s). Applicants that do not provide either of these items will not receive points against this criterion.

52 ii. Targeted Population in Community(ies) to be Served (5 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants provide evidence of a strong understanding of: The industry and/or occupations in which the targeted population is or was employed; The current level of skills and educational attainment of the targeted population; The education and training required to attain the knowledge, competencies, and degrees/certificates required of workers identified in Section V.A.1.iii; and The additional barriers members of the target population may face in seeking employment.

53 iii. Targeted Industries and Occupations (10 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants demonstrate strong evidence of: A clear understanding of the current and future projected demand for employment, as demonstrated by relevant labor market information and job projection data (from DOL, State workforce agencies, employers, and other relevant sources), and commitments from employers to hire workers who successfully complete the program, where available; A clear understanding of the knowledge, competencies, and degrees/certificates required of workers in the targeted industries or occupations; and The demand for trained workers by employers in the targeted industries.

54 iv. Gaps in Existing Educational and Career Training Programs (10 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants provide quantitative and qualitative data to: Identify and fully describe current gaps in, and/or opportunities to improve, existing educational and career training programs in each community; and Fully describe how the identified gaps or opportunities impact the applicant’s ability to effectively serve individuals seeking education or career training, particularly the targeted population.

55 2. Work Plan and Project Management (45 points)
Scoring on this criterion will be based on 4 sub-criteria: Evidence-Based Design and Overview of Proposed Strategy (15 points) Project Work Plan (15 points) Project Management (10 points) Sustainability (5 points)

56 i. Evidence-Based Design and Overview of Proposed Strategy (15 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants: Clearly indicate if the project will replicate evidence-based strategies or implement innovative or new strategies supported by related research findings or reasonable hypotheses; Clearly identify the priorities to be addressed by the proposed project (selected from the four funding priorities defined in Section I.B of the SGA);

57 i. Evidence-Based Design and Overview of Proposed Strategy - continued
Clearly explain how the proposed project will meet the needs of both the targeted population and employers in each community as described in Sections V.A.1.ii and V.A.1.iii, incorporating how the proposed education and training programs will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for employment in the targeted industries and occupations. As appropriate, applicants should also explain any regional, national, or industry-wide education and training impacts from their proposed project;

58 i. Evidence-Based Design and Overview of Proposed Strategy - continued
Identify the degrees, certificates, and industry- recognized credentials that will result from the education and training programs implemented by the project; Clearly explain how the proposed project will directly address the gaps in the current education and training offerings in each community, as described in Section V.A.1.iv; and

59 i. Evidence-Based Design and Overview of Proposed Strategy - continued
For applicants implementing online and technology-enabled strategies, clearly describe the technical feasibility of the design, technologies, and delivery methods for these strategies and discuss the potential re-use and repurposing of courses and materials to be developed through the program, and identify the industry standard to be used in online course development.

60 ii. Project Work Plan (15 points)
Applicants must present this work plan in a comprehensive table (see Attachment B), that is included within the technical proposal (not the attachments to the technical proposal) and formatted to include each of the following categories: Priorities, Strategies, Implementer(s), Costs, Time, and Deliverables.

61 ii. Project Work Plan - continued
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which applicants: Present coherent priorities, strategies, and deliverables that demonstrate the applicant’s complete understanding of all responsibilities and costs required to implement each phase of the project within the timeframe of the grant;

62 ii. Project Work Plan - continued
Include feasible and reasonable timeframes for accomplishing all procurement and other necessary grant start-up strategies immediately following the anticipated grant start date; and Explain how the costs in the proposed project work plan align with the proposed budget, specifically the budget narrative, and are justified as adequate, cost-effective, and reasonable for the resources requested.

63 Attachment B: Sample Project Work Plan
Priority 1: Activities Implementer(s) Costs Time Deliverables Strategy 1.1: Strategy Total: $ Start Date: Equipment: End Date: Year 1: Milestones: Year 2: Year 3: Strategy 1.2:

64 iii. Project Management (10 points)
Scoring under this criterion will be based on the extent to which the applicant demonstrates that the proposed project: Will be led by a competent full-time project manager who is hired in the early stages of the project; Has a management structure that enables efficient and effective communication between project staff and organizations; Uses systems and processes that enable timely and accurate financial and performance reporting and allow for expedient procurement procedures that comply with Federal, State (if applicable), and other relevant laws and requirements; and Includes well-defined roles for employers (including sectoral collaboration), consortium members (if applicable), and subcontractors.

65 iv. Sustainability (5 points)
Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure that effective innovations developed under this program are sustained after the grant period ends. Applicants must describe: Plans for securing funding or commitments for future funding (pending successful project outcomes) from non-Federal sources; Options for developing low-cost strategies for integrating effective practices, funded under the grant, into their general operations.

66 3. Measurement of Progress and Outcomes (25 points)
Scoring on this criterion will be based on 2 sub criteria: Progress and Implementation Measures (10 points) Outcome Measures (15 points)

67 i. Progress and Implementation Measures (10 points)
Applications will be rated on the following:: The strength of the plan to continuously evaluate and improve program performance, which may include a description of prior experience in making decisions to improve specific programs based on evidence produced by research, rigorous evaluations, and/or program outcome data; The evidence presented that the applicant has data systems and processes available to establish project baselines and monitor progress, or a strong plan to develop and implement such systems or bridge gaps in existing systems, including a timeline for bridging the gap; and The extent to which the two measures identified for each strategy clearly measure progress toward successful implementation of each strategy, and align to one or more of the project priorities identified in Section I.B of this SGA.

68 ii. Outcome Measures (15 points)
Applications will be rated on the following: Strong evidence of an effective plan to track and report outcome measures for program participants, as well as an appropriate comparison cohort of participants; Strong evidence that the applicant has data systems and processes available to establish project baselines for the seven outcome measures, or a strong plan to develop and implement such systems or bridge gaps in existing systems, including a timeline for bridging the gap; and Strong evidence of an existing or planned approach to tracking and reporting employment, retention, and earnings outcomes.

69 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

70 What’s Next?

71 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource. Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas!

72 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Access to Webinar Resources

73 Stay Informed, Get Connected!

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