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Annual Fund Development Plan

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1 Annual Fund Development Plan
Building Your YWCA’S Annual Fund Development Plan

2 Fund Development Plan: Our Roadmap
It’s a living, breathing, organic document…. always in process, never “done”. It helps us build an environment and “infrastructure” for success. It provides organization, constructive routine, and logic to our work, and enables us to efficiently deploy and maximize our staff and volunteer resources. Our Plan creates a foundation on which we continuously build our fundraising success—expanding, experimenting a bit, and making improvements over and over again.

3 Building Capacity: A Foundation For Success
A COMPELLING MISSION/”CASE” The Agency Focus: YWCA/ community priorities Successful outcomes Accountable/transparent Board & Staff Competent Connected Agency champions Culture of philanthropy Constituents Share mission/values Lots of them Have resources Development Resources & Systems Annual Plan Fundraising Staff and Volunteers Information Systems/Data Base Donor Stewardship

4 Our 6-Point Annual Plan Action Agenda (Ongoing and Non-Linear)
1. Increase Our Fundraising Capacity 2. Perfect, Fine-Tune, Elevate Our “Case” 3. Develop and Perfect Our Annual Fundraising Plan Fundraising goal: basic and “stretch” Constituent Groups Components: Direct Mail, Events, Major Gifts, Social Marketing Schedule and Assignments 5. Steward donors for retention and increased giving

5 Your YWCA’s “Case” What’s a “Case”? It’s A Document That Addresses:
Community needs—Our relevance Why Us: Our approach, effectiveness, uniqueness Why You: Why your gift is critical Community benefits: Vision, numbers Why a “Case” Is Important: Lays out our “frame” and consistent messages Builds internal alignment Empowers Board members, staff Distinguishes YWCA from others Excites, inspires Process for Getting There!! Board, staff, external stakeholder focus groups 1 author, several editors Broad-based by-in What A “Case” Looks Like: Conveys points clearly, simply Dot points, charts, quotes 1,500 words or less

6 4. Develop, Perfect, Schedule, Implement Your Annual Fund Raising Program
Set Your Fundraising Goal Establish/Evaluate Your Fundraising Events Develop/Expand Your Major Gifts Programs Refine Other Annual Fund Activities e.g. Mailings Social Media Special projects Schedule, “staff”, implement all activities

7 Set Your Fund Raising Goal
It must be compelling i.e. linked to critical services and outcomes 2. It must be realistic and ambitious: Budget an amount that, with the right effort, you have a 90%+ chance of achieving (avoid “aspirational” goals to balance the budget) Set a stretch goal that challenges and excites Board and staff…earmark funds to special/one time needs Have concrete and specific plans to achieve the goal Lay out the assumptions you made re. the goal; secure Board consensus/engagement on expanded/new commitments If your budget doesn’t balance with a realistic FR goal, seriously consider program revisions, expense reductions, other income sources. 3. Regularly monitor progress (e.g. monthly); take timely corrective actions

8 Evaluate Enhance Your Special Events
APPROPRIATENESS Aligned with YWCA mission? Good match for your constituencies? COST-EFFECTIVENESS Event content-rich? Will it develop constituents? Net profits and “Scalability”? Risk associated with the event? Attractiveness to prospective underwriters? Secondary benefits generated? Potential results justify the effort i.e. Net proceeds Staff + vol. hrs. FEASIBILITY Volunteers plentiful and enthusiastic? Staff and financial resources to pull it off? Willing to make a long-term commitment to build the event?

9 By Donor/Constituent Category
Your Fund Raising Plan By Donor/Constituent Category Key Constituencies/ AF Components Results Last Yr. Budget Goal This Yr. Stretch Goal This Yr. # Donors $’s Board, alumnae Major donors Corporations (name) Foundations Staff, alumnae Event attendees Event 1 Event 2 Annual Donors TOTAL $

10 Your Fund Raising Plan Board/Volunteer and Staff Leads,
by Major Annual Fund Component Key Constituencies Board/ Vol. Lead Staff Lead Assists Board, alumnae Major donors Events (spec) Event 1 Event 2 Corporations (name) Foundations Staff, alumnae Annual Donors

11 Overview: Your Fund Raising Schedule
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct—Dec. Board Campaign X Women Empowered Luncheons Holiday Campaigns Soc Media Annual Rept Stewardship …... …… Other projects, etc. Actions to strengthen the YWCA’s culture of philanthropy Actions to strengthen capacity: Staff, systems, other costs

12 Steward Donors Retention, Increased Giving
All Donors: Timely “thank you” Content-rich communications Appropriate recognition Expanded opportunities for engagement Major Donors: Create customized plan (e.g. “moves management”) Personalized “thank you” Continuously identify interests Report on results of their gift Real-time community needs e.g. trends affecting women Impact of public policy on women Invite to participate in a special volunteer activity Invite to special events (create an event for major donors)?

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