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India Road to Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "India Road to Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 India Road to Revolution

2 Arrival of British 1600 – British set up East India Company
Trading posts Signed treaties with princes (Maharaja) Brits gain economic advantage & political power over Indians

3 What the British did in india
Introduce modern technology, but don’t industrialize “too much” Built railways, factories, schools Encouraged spread of Christianity English main language English looms replace weavers English goods sold in India Farmers taught to produce crops for market India not self-sufficient

4 Indian civil service Civil servants chosen by examination
Indians can only hold lesser posts Indians can test for higher jobs, but must do so in London Even if learn English and support British form of government, still much discrimination against Indians

5 Causes of the movement toward indian independence
India left impoverished and lacked self-sufficiency due to British economic domination British influence had diluted Indian culture Indians wanted an equal opportunity to serve in government Partition of Bengal (1905) Done by Brits to improve administration Angers Indians – none were consulted about this decision Hindu Bengalis in East Bengal now outnumbered by Muslim Bengalis

6 Indian political organizations
Indian National Congress All-India Muslim League Estab. 1906 Muslims fearful of Hindu dominance Preserve Muslim (minority) rights under any Hindu inspired political reforms Estab. 1885 Small group of English speaking Hindu professionals Try to convince government to give higher positions to Indians

7 India independence movement

8 Mohandas K. Gandhi “Mahatma” – the great soul Born into wealth
Educated in England Joined INC Inspired by Hindu & Christian concepts Preached non-violence Becomes part of poor Changes Indian Independence

9 major changes 1920’s – start to give in
Give control of “national” areas WWII – British offer independence once the war is over August 15, 1947 – Independence Day

10 The Last Conflict Hindu vs. Muslim Nehru vs. Jinnah
Brits can’t solve problem, so allow for a split West Pakistan (Pakistan), India, East Pakistan (Bangladesh) Massive death & emigration Kashmir

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