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Heroes. Heroes Greeks Trojans Deities Miscellaneous.

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes. Heroes Greeks Trojans Deities Miscellaneous."— Presentation transcript:


2 Heroes

3 Greeks

4 Trojans

5 Deities

6 Miscellaneous

7 Pictures

8 Greeks Trojans Deities Miscellaneous Pictures Heroes $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 I am the greatest Greek warrior.

10 Who is Achilles?

11 I am the greatest Trojan warrior.

12 Who is Hector?

13 Although I didn’t fight in the Trojan War, my bow and arrows were used.

14 Who is Hercules?

15 I lost the competition for Achilles’ armor

16 Who is Ajax the Greater?

17 I am the brave warrior that wore Achilles’ armor.

18 Who is Patroclus?

19 I killed Hector; then Paris killed me.

20 Who is Achilles?

21 I killed Paris.

22 Who is Philoctetes?

23 I slaughtered a flock of sheep
I slaughtered a flock of sheep. There are two accounts of my death: by my own hand and by Paris’ hand.

24 Who is Ajax the Greater?

25 Hector stripped me of my armor, which I had borrowed from Achilles, my best friend.

26 Who is Patroclus?

27 I was sacrificed by my father at Aulis so the Greeks’ ships would sail
I was sacrificed by my father at Aulis so the Greeks’ ships would sail. My mother thought that I was going to marry Achilles.

28 Who is Iphigenia?

29 Diomedes wounded me, but I was healed by my mother.

30 Who is Aeneas?

31 I was only an infant, but I was tossed from the walls of Troy.

32 Who was Astyanax?

33 I am married to Priam. I was turned into a dog after the war.

34 Who is Hecuba?

35 Help! No one will believe my prophecies!

36 Who is Cassandra?

37 I chose Venus as the fairest.

38 Who is Paris?

39 I am the Roman goddess who became a bitter enemy of the Trojans after I was not selected as the fairest. I even offered that Trojan prince power over all lands.

40 Who is Juno?

41 I am the Roman god that led the three goddesses to Paris.

42 Who is Mercury?

43 I sent a plague against Troy after Laomedon cheated me.

44 Who is Apollo?

45 I took the form of a swan, seduced Leda, and produced Helen
I took the form of a swan, seduced Leda, and produced Helen. Ah, I do get around in the GREEK world, don’t I?

46 Who is Zeus?

47 I am the goddess that started this whole thing with a golden apple.

48 Who is Eris?

49 Daily Double!!

50 I am the island to which the Greeks sailed after they had left the wooden horse behind in Troy.

51 What is Tenedos?

52 I am the Greek who was left behind to lie to the Trojans about the horse.

53 Who was Sinon?

54 Troy’s modern name

55 What is Turkey?

56 I married Thetis.

57 Who is Peleus?

58 Podarces was my former name
Podarces was my former name. I was the king of Troy when the war was fought.

59 Who was Priam?

60 I am the king pictured.

61 Who is Agamemnon?

62 I am on the ground.

63 Who is Hector?

64 I am the priest pictured here.

65 Who is Laocoon?

66 I am the Greek pictured here.

67 Who is Philoctetes?

68 I am the goddess pictured here.

69 Who is Thetis?

70 What is Italy?

71 Double Jeopardy!!

72 This Roman goddess was Aeneas’ mother.

73 Who is Venus?

74 Aeneas found his father in this part of the Underworld.

75 What is Elysium?

76 Before the arrival of Aeneas, Lavinia had been engaged to this king of the Rutulians.

77 Who is Turnus?

78 Daily Double!!

79 This sorcereress accompanied Aeneas to the Underworld.

80 Who is Sibyl?

81 I have prepared.

82 What is paravī?

83 We were living.

84 What is agebamus?

85 They have found.

86 What is invēnērunt?

87 It has been found.

88 What is inventum est?

89 He will undertake.

90 What is suscipiet?

91 Final Jeopardy I am the son of Achilles, and I brutally killed Priam and one of his sons. I have TWO names.

92 What are Pyrrhus and Neoptolemus?

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