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@TeacherToolkit, license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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1 @TeacherToolkit, www.teachertoolkit, license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
micro:bit can be programmed with JavaScript Blocks editor using a .hex file. Program can then be edited. To get a string to be displayed on the micro:bit LED array. Learn the basics function of programming the micro:bit Hands on programming with a physical device To support students, step by step guide could be given. To stretch students ask to write the flowchart, pseudocode and JavaScript code. The students can drop and drag blocks from the library to the workspace. edit the program. download the .hex file and load it onto the micro:bit. test the file on the micro:bit edit the program following testing Algorithms Strings Download Hex N/A @TeacherToolkit, license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Teacher led introduction of the task, showing a working solution on a micro:bit. Algorithm written as flowchart / pseudocode. Student led investigation of the software and developing programs. Student to download and test program on micro:bit Student led development of the program using challenges Or Teacher led activity focused on Algorithms. Lesson could be taught just using the online JavaScript Blocks editor. Lesson could be completed using flowcharts and pseudocode

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